!!Anne Christophe - Curriculum Vitae
*2006    'Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches’, Paris VI university\\
*1993    PhD Thesis in Cognitive Psychology, EHESS (Paris)\\
*1989    Ecole Polytechnique (Paris) (one of the most prestigious French 'Grandes Ecoles')
*Deputy director for Sciences (=dean of Sciences), Ecole normale supérieure, Paris, France, since 2019.\\
*Director, Laboratoire de Sciences Cognitives et Psycholinguistique (UMR 8554), 2010-2019 (deputy director 2004-2009).\\
*CNRS researcher since 1994 (CNRS Research Director since 2008).\\
*Member, Board of Directors of Ecole Normale Supérieure (since 2014).\\
*Member, French national funding agency (ANR: Agence Nationale de la Recherche), in Social Sciences and Humanities (human development and cognition, language and communication) in 2009, 2011, 2012 (vice-president), 2013 (president).\\
*Member, Strategic Orientation Committee of Aix-Marseille University (Sept 2015).\\
*Associate editor for Developmental Science (2009-2013), Language & Speech (2002-2009), member of the editorial board of Language Learning and Development (since 2003), reviewer for many international journals (e.g. Nature, Science, Psychological Science, Cerebral Cortex, Current Biology, etc…) and grant agencies (ANR, ERC, NSF, ESRC, DFG...)\\
Main grants: non-thematic ANR, 400k€, 2018-2022; ANR ‘Learning’, 411 k€, 2014-2017; Fondation de France, 100 k€, 2012-2015 ; non-thematic ANR, 250 k€ 2010-2013 ; non-thematic ANR, 250 k€ 2006-2009.\\
__Student supervision__
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Ten completed PhD students, one currently in progress; four postdocs (3 now in permanent academic positions).\\
__Dissemination of scientific results__
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See [http://www.lscp.net/BabyWeb/media/media.php] for access to many media listed below:
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*TV documentaries on language acquisition (12 since 1997), in features in the 8pm news programme, filmed sequences for on-line encyclopedia, for the web TV of 'Universciences', for the TEDx-like conference 'Les Ernest'...\\
*radio programmes\\
*entry on language acquisition in the Encyclopedia Universalis, articles for the general public (e.g. Science & Vie…)