!!Qiuming Cheng - Selected Publications
1. Cheng Q., Agterberg F. P., Ballantyne S. B., The separation of geochemical anomalies from background by fractal methods. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 1994, 51(2): 109-130. \\
This paper was the first paper on the topic published in the field demonstrating the multifractality of geochemical data involved in mineralization. The fractal model Concentration - Area (C-A) proposed in the paper has led to a new field of separation and decomposition of the geochemical anomalies from background according to distinct properties of scaling and anisotropy. The paper has been cited about 800 times, the most cited paper since it was published among all papers published in this journal. \\
2. Cheng Q., Mapping singularities with stream sediment geochemical data for prediction of undiscovered mineral deposits in Gejiu, Yunnan Province, China. Ore Geology Reviews, 2007, 32(1-2): 314-324.\\
In this paper Cheng has proposed the concept of local singularity to describe the phenomenon of anomalously high accumulation of ore materials (mass of ore elements) during mineralization. He discovered that ore element concentration in ore bodies or altered rocks in mineral districts can be distinguished from the surrounding backgrounds by power-law models associating metal concentration value with scale according to a distinct exponential relationship (singularity index). It was demonstrated that local singularity analysis (LSA) method can be effectively utilized to identify anomalies associated with mineralization. The paper has been cited 385 times, placing it within the top three most cited papers published in the journal. It was referred to by the Editor-in-Chief of ORG as a novel application of statistics and mathematics in ore geology and mineral prospection. The concepts of local singularity has been applied for modeling extreme geological events such as earthquakes, floods, and mineralization. \\
3. Cheng Q., Extrapolations of secular trends in magmatic intensity and mantle cooling: Implications for future evolution of plate tectonics. Gondwana Research, 2018, 63: 268-273. \\
The new concept of fractal density and method of local singularity analysis proposed by the author used in the paper reveal that the secular trends of major magmatic activities through the evolution of the Earth over the past 3.5 Ga depict systematic reduction of wavelength and intensity. These properties were further extrapolated in conjunction with mantle temperature to predict the future of plate tectonics.  \\
4. Cheng Q., Fractal density and singularity analysis of heat flow over ocean ridges. Nature Scientific reports, 2016, 6(1): 1-10.\\
The new physical index of fractal density was introduced in the paper and used to replace ordinary density of lithosphere in heat conductive models. This has led to significant improvement of prediction of singular heat flow at the mid ocean ridges with age of lithosphere.  \\
5. Fan J., Shen S., Erwin D.H., Sadler P.M., MacLeod N., Cheng Q., et cl., A high-resolution summary of Cambrian to Early Triassic marine invertebrate biodiversity, Science, 17 Jan 2020, 367 (6475): 272-277. \\
This new paper, as highlighted by Science and in other scientific websites, has demonstrated that supercomputing techniques were successfully used to extract information from large numbers of fossil samples yielding high resolution of biodiversity data in Earth deep time. Cheng’s contribution was to clarify the association with secular trends of biodiversity and other environmental indexes such as atmospheric CO2 content.\\
6. Cheng Q., Xu Y., Grunsky E., Integrated spatial and spectrum method for geochemical anomaly separation. Natural Resources Research, 2000, 9(1): 43-52. \\
The fractal power energy density-area (S-A) model was derived in the frequency domain which for the first time established the power law relationship between power energy density and “area” measured in terms of wave numbers. This model was used to develop the S-A fractal filtering method for pattern decomposition and recognition of complex images in the frequency domain. The model was extended by the author and his students further into the Eigen domain, Walsh domain and Wavelet domain for multifractal modeling. \\
7. Cheng Q., Spatial and scaling modelling for geochemical anomaly separation. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 1999, 65(3): 175-194.\\
In this paper Cheng has proposed a new model for integrating both spatial properties including anisotropy and scaling properties of geochemical patterns for anomalies and background separation. \\
8. Cheng Q., Singularity theory and methods for mapping geochemical anomalies caused by buried sources and for predicting undiscovered mineral deposits in covered areas. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 2012, 122: 55-70. \\
In this paper Cheng has demonstrated that the concepts of fractal density and local singularity analysis can be effectively utilized to map weak geochemical anomalies caused by buried mineralization in regions with covering materials.    \\
9. Cheng Q. Non-linear theory and power-law models for information integration and mineral resources quantitative assessments. Mathematical Geosciences, 2008, 40(5): 503-532. \\
This paper systematically introduces nonlinear theory and methods that Cheng has developed for mineral potential mapping. \\
10. Cheng Q.,Oberhänsli R., and Zhao M., A new international initiative for facilitating data-driven Earth science transformation.Geological Society, London, Special Publications,2020, 499.  \\
Cheng has authored or co-authored more than 300 peer reviewd journal papers and co-edited three books and more than  20 book chapters.