!!!Antoine Chambert-Loir
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__Present and Previous Positions__
* 2015 - now Professor at University Paris-Diderot (now renamed Université Paris Cité; France)
* 2012 - 2015 Professor at Université Paris-Sud (France)
* 2009 - 2010 Von Neumann Fellow at Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton, USA)
* 2007 - 2012 Junior member of Institut universitaire de France
* 2003 - 2012 Professor at Université de Rennes 1 
* 2001 - 2003 Associate professor at École polytechnique
* 1997 - 2000 Associate professor at Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie 
* 1996 - 1997 Military service (École militaire, Paris)
* 1994 - 1996 Teaching assistant, École normale supérieure (Paris)
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
* 2007 - 2012 Junior member of Institut universitaire de France
* 2017 Prize Ferran Sunyer y Balaguer (with J. Nicaise and J. Sebag)

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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Chambert-Loir_Antoine/CV]
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[Publication list|User/Chambert-Loir_Antoine/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Chambert-Loir_Antoine/Highlight]
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[Other information|User/Chambert-Loir_Antoine/OtherInformation]

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