!!Antoine Chambert-Loir - Curriculum Vitae

*1995 Ph.D., University of Paris 6\\
*1998/99 CNRS\\
*1997 - 2000 MC, University of Paris 6\\
*2001 - 2003 Prof., Ecole Polytechnique\\
*2003 - 2014 Prof., University of Rennes 1\\
*2012 - 2015 Prof., University of Paris 11\\
*2015 Prof., University of Paris 7
Author of 8 books and 40 research papers, supervisor of 10 Ph.D. and 12 MA students. \\
Editor of leading journals, including Editor in chief of Annales scientifiques de l'École normale supérieure, \\
Comptes Rendus, and Editor in chief of Algebra and Number Theory. \\
Member of boards and research councils, scientific advisory board of the Institut Henri Poincare.\\
Major outreach efforts, including public lectures, articles about mathematics for a broad audience.\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit achambert-loir}][{ALLOW upload achambert-loir}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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