!!Maria Luisa Catoni - Selected Publications
M. L. Catoni, Luca Giuliani, Socrates Represented: Why does he look like a Satyr?, “Critical Inquiry” 45 (Spring 2019), 1- 33\\
M.L. Catoni, Symbolic Articulation in Ancient Greece. Word, Schema and Image, in: S. Marienberg (ed.), Symbolic Articulation. Language, Image and the Body between Action and Schema, Berlin, Boston  2017\\
M.L. Catoni, From Motion to Emotion. An ancient Greek Iconography between literal and symbolic Interpretations, in H. Bredekamp, M. Lauschke, A. Arteaga, Bodies in Action & Symbolic Forms, Berlin 2012, 99-120\\
L. Giuliani, M.L. Catoni, Myron und die Kunst des Diskuswerfens, in “Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archaeologischen Instituts, Römische Abteilung”, 122 (2016), 13-44\\
M.L. Catoni, M. Osanna, Peindre et fouillier à Pompéi. Nouvelles fresques et contextualisation», in Pompéi. Promenade immersive, Trésors archéologiques, Nouvelles découvertes, Catalogue d'exposition, Paris 2020, 145-156\\
M.L. Catoni, M. Osanna, Arianna a Nasso. Un nuovo affresco dalla Regio V di Pompei, in “Bollettino d'Arte”, 39-40 (2018),  5-47\\
M.L. Catoni, The Iconographic Tradition of the Suicide of Ajax: Some Questions, in G.W.   Most, L. Ozbek, Staging Ajax's Suicide. A three day international conference, Pisa 2015, 15-28 and 331- 340\\
M.L. Catoni, Bere vino puro. Immagini del simposio,  Milano 2010\\
M.L. Catoni, La comunicazione non verbale nella Grecia antica, Torino 2008\\
M.L. Catoni, L. Giuliani, C. Ginzburg, S. Settis, Tre figure. Achille, Meleagro, Cristo, Milano 2013\\
L. Bertelli, M.L. Catoni (eds.), Borders Cut Images. History and Theory, La Rivista di Engramma 179, 2021