!!Maria Luisa Catoni - Curriculum Vitae

*Senior Project Associate, The Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles (1994 - 1999); Associate, later Full Professor of Classical Art and Archaeology, IMT School for Advanced Study, Lucca\\
*Member and Chair of Evaluation Panel, European Research Council, Panel SH5 (Cultures and Cultural Productions), Bruxelles (2011 - 2017)\\
*Principal Investigator of research projects, Volkswagen Stiftung (2017 - 2019) and Humboldt Universität (2013-2015). Fellow, Wissenschaftskolleg, Berlin (2009 - 2010)\\
*Founder and Coordinator of Ph.D Programs “Analysis and Management of Cultural Heritage” and  “Cognitive and Cultural Systems”, 2009 - present\\
*Founder and Director, Research Center “Lynx, Centre for the Interdisciplinary Analysis of Images”.\\
*Founder and Director of “National School of Cultural Heritage, Cultural Activities and Tourism (Scuola dei beni e delle attività culturali e del turismo)” Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Tourism, Rome), 2016 - 2018\\
*Member of several Committees (Advisory Board, Max-Planck Institute for Art History, Florence; Italian Archaeological Schools, Athens; International Panel for Selection of Director of National Museums in Italy)\\
*Co-curator of a major exhibition on Greek art in Italy, Mantua, Palazzo Te (2008)\\
*Organizer of many conferences in Italy and elsewhere\\ \\