!!!Ilaria Capua
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__Present and Previous Positions__
*Preeminent Professor, Director of the One Health Center of Excellence for Research and Training, University of Florida, USA 
*Member of the Italian Parliament (15 March 2013- 28 September 2016), in the polical party founded by former Prime Minister and EU Commissioner, Mario Monti 
*Vice- President of the 7th Parliamentary Commission “Culture, Science and Educacion”Director of the Division of Comparative Biomedical Sciences at the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie (IZSVe), Legnaro (Padova - Italy) 
*Director of the FAO/OIE and National Reference Laboratory for Avian Influenza and Newcastle Disease, OIE and National Collaborating Center for Diseases at the Human - Animal Interface
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
*2019 - Prize for American-Italian Relations (PAIR) award from the Center for American Studies 
*2019 - Honorary Doctorate in Health and Veterinary Experimental Sciences from the University of Perugia in Italy 
*2018 - Gerolamo Cardano International Gold Medal from the University of Pavia in Italy for her outstanding contributions, including research which has made a significant influence on the world 
*2018 - Golden Apple International Award from Marisa Bellisario Foundation in recognition of career achievements 
*2017 - International literary prize for Science and Arts, Fondazione PescarAbruzzo 
*2017 - Schofield Medal, University of Guelph 
*2014 - Excellence Award in the field of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases by ESCMID the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) 
*2013 - “Guido Lenghi e Flaviano Magrassi” International award by the Italian Academy of Sciences (Accademia dei Lincei) 
*2013 - Inducted into the Hall of Fame of the World Veterinary Poultry Association 
*2012 - Gordon Memorial Medal (UK) for her distinguished contributions to poultry science 
*2011 - Penn Vet World Leadership in Animal Health Award from the University of Pennsylvania (USA), the most prestigious award in veterinary medicine
*2008 - “Revolutionary Mind” by Seed magazine for his leadership role in sharing information internationally
*2008 - Charnock Bradeley Lecture, University of Edinburgh
*2007 - Scientific American 50, awarded annually to the world's top 50 researchers for leadership in science policy
*2006 - PROMED 2006 “Reporting on the Internet”
*2005 - Career Achievement Award of “Houghton Trust” (UK)
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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Capua_Ilaria/CV]
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[Publication list|User/Capua_Ilaria/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Capua_Ilaria/Highlight]
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[Other information|User/Capua_Ilaria/OtherInformation]

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