!!Elias Campo - Selected publications
1. Vegliante MC, Palomero J, Perez-Galan P et al. SOX11 regulates PAX5 expression and blocks terminal B-cell differentiation in aggressive mantle cell lymphoma. Blood 2013 in press. (Plenary paper)\\
2. Ramsay AJ, Quesada V, Foronda M, Conde L, Martínez-Trillos A, Villamor N, Rodríguez D, Kwarciak A, Garabaya C, Gallardo M, López-Guerra M, López-Guillermo A, Puente XS, Blasco MA, Campo E, López-Otín C. POT1 mutations cause telomere dysfunction in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. Nat Genet 2013;45(5):526-30. \\
3. Kulis M, Heath S, Bibikova M, Queirós AC, Navarro A, Clot G, Martínez-Trillos A, Castellano G, Brun-Heath I, Pinyol M, Barberán-Soler S, Papasaikas P, Jares P, Beà S, Rico D, Ecker S, Rubio M, Royo R, Ho V, Klotzle B, Hernández L, Conde L, López-Guerra M, Colomer D, Villamor N, Aymerich M, Rozman M, Bayes M, Gut M, Gelpí JL, Orozco M, Fan JB, Quesada V, Puente XS, Pisano DG, Valencia A, López-Guillermo A, Gut I, López-Otín C, Campo E, Martín-Subero JI. Epigenomic analysis detects widespread gene-body DNA hypomethylation in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Nature Genetics 2012; 44(11):1236-42. \\
4. Quesada V, Conde L, Villamor N, Ordóñez GR, Jares P, Bassaganyas L, Ramsay AJ,Beà S, Pinyol M, Martínez-Trillos A, López-Guerra M, Colomer D, Navarro A, Baumann T, Aymerich M, Rozman M, Delgado J, Giné E, Hernández JM, González-Díaz, M, Puente DA, Velasco G, Freije JM, Tubío JM, Royo R, Gelpí JL, Orozco M, Pisano DG, Zamora J, Vázquez M, Valencia A, Himmelbauer H, Bayés M, Heath S, Gut M, Gut I, Estivill X, López-Guillermo A, Puente XS, Campo E*, López-Otín C*. Exome sequencing identifies recurrent mutations of the splicing factor SF3B1 gene in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Nat Genet 2011;44(1):47-52.\\
5. Puente XS, Pinyol M, Quesada V, Conde L, Ordóñez GR, Villamor N, Escaramis G, Jares P, Beà S, González-Díaz M, Bassaganyas L, Baumann T, Juan M, López-Guerra M, Colomer D, Tubío JM, López C, Navarro A, Tornador C, Aymerich M, Rozman M, Hernández JM, Puente DA, Freije JM, Velasco G, Gutiérrez-Fernández A, Costa D, Carrió A, Guijarro S, Enjuanes A, Hernández L, Yagüe J, Nicolás P, Romeo-Casabona CM, Himmelbauer H, Castillo E, Dohm JC, de Sanjosé S, Piris MA, de Alava E, Miguel JS, Royo R, Gelpí JL, Torrents D, Orozco M, Pisano DG, Valencia A, Guigó R, Bayés M, Heath S, Gut M, Klatt P, Marshall J, Raine K, Stebbings LA, Futreal PA, Stratton MR, Campbell PJ, Gut I, López-Guillermo A, Estivill X, Montserrat E, López-Otín C*, Campo E*. Whole-genome sequencing identifies recurrent mutations in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. Nature 2011;475(7354):101-5. \\
6. Campo E, Swerdlow SH, Harris NL, Pileri S, Stein H, Jaffe ES. The 2008 WHO classification of lymphoid neoplasms and beyond: Evolving concepts and practical applications. Blood 2011;117(19):5019-32. \\
7. Fernàndez V, Salamero O, Espinet B, Solé F, Royo C, Navarro A, Camacho F, Beà S, Hartmann E, Amador V, Hernández L, Agostinelli C, Sargent RL, Rozman M, Aymerich M, Colomer D, Villamor N, Swerdlow SH, Pileri SA, Bosch F, Piris MA, Montserrat E, Ott G, Rosenwald A, López-Guillermo A, Jares P, Serrano S, Campo E. Genomic and gene expression profiling defines indolent forms of mantle cell lymphoma. Cancer Res 2010; 70(4): 1408-18.  \\
8. Bea S, Salaverria I, Armengol Ll, Pinyol M, Fernández V, Hartmann EM, Jares P, Amador V, Hernandez L, Navarro A, Ott GK, Rosenwald A, Estivill X, Campo E. Uniparental disomies, homozygous deletions, amplifications and target genes in mantle cell lymphoma revealed by integrative high-resolution whole genome profiling. Blood 2009; 113(13): 3059-69.  \\
9. Jares P, Colomer D, Campo E. Genetic and molecular pathogenesis of mantle cell lymphoma: Perspectives for new targeted therapeutics [[review]]. Nature Rev Cancer 2007, 7: 750-62. \\
10. Bea S, Zettl A, Wright G, Salaverria I, Jehn P, Moreno V, Burek C, Ott G, Puig X, Yang L, López-Guillermo A, Chan WC, Greiner TC, Weisenburger DD, Armitage JO, Gascoyne RD, Connors JM, Grogan TM, Braziel R, Fisher RI, Smeland EB, Kvaloy S, Holte H, Delabie J, Simon R, Powell J, Wilson WH, Jaffe ES, Montserrat E, Muller-Hermelink HK, Staudt LM, Campo E* (co-senior and corresponding author), Rosenwald A*; Lymphoma/Leukemia Molecular Profiling Project.  Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma subgroups have distinct genetic profiles that influence tumor biology and improve gene-expression-based survival prediction. Blood 2005; 106: 3183-90.  \\
__Total Publications:__ 461\\
__H-Index (ISI):__ 77\\
__Total citations (ISI-Web of Science):__ 25.349