!!Bruce Cambell - Selected publications
2012 Bruce M. S. Campbell, ‘Grain yields on English demesnes after the Black Death’, 121-74 in Mark Bailey and Stephen H. Rigby, eds., Town and countryside in the age of the Black Death: essays in honour of John Hatcher, Turnhout, Brepols. \\
2011 Bruce M. S. Campbell and Cormac Ó Gráda, ‘Harvest shortfalls, grain prices, and famines in pre industrial England’, Journal of Economic History, 71 (4), 859-86. \\
2010: Bruce M. S. Campbell, ‘Nature as historical protagonist: environment and society in pre-industrial England’ (the 2008 Tawney Memorial Lecture), Economic History Review, 63 (2), 281-314.\\
2010: Bruce M. S. Campbell, ‘Physical shocks, biological hazards, and human impacts: the crisis of the fourteenth century revisited’, 13-32 in Simonetta Cavaciocchi, ed., Le interazioni fra economia e ambiente biologico nell’Europe preindustriale. Secc. XIII-XVIII (Economic and biological interactions in pre-industrial Europe from the 13th to the 18th centuries), Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica “F. Datini”, Prato, Italy.\\
2009: B. M. S. Campbell, Land and people in late medieval England, Variorum Collected Studies Series, Ashgate, Aldershot.\\
2008: B. M. S. Campbell, Field systems and farming systems in late medieval England, Variorum Collected Studies Series, Ashgate, Aldershot\\
2007: B. M. S. Campbell, The medieval antecedents of English agricultural progress, Variorum Collected Studies Series, Ashgate, Aldershot.\\
2007: B. M. S. Campbell, Three centuries of English crop yields, 1211 1491 [[WWW document]]. URL http://www.cropyields.ac.uk.\\
2006: B. M. S. Campbell* and K. Bartley, England on the eve of the Black Death: an atlas of lay lordship, land, and wealth, 1300-49, Manchester, Manchester University Press (xxx + 382 pp.). \\
2000: B. M. S. Campbell, English seigniorial agriculture 1250-1450, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press (xxvi + 517 pp.). Nominated proxime accesit for the Whitfield Prize 2000 by the Royal Historical Society