!!Thierry Calandra - Selected Publications
H index 82\\
254 publications\\
35'560 citations (without self citations)\\
Calandra T, Bernhagen J, Mitchell RA, Bucala R. The macrophage is an important and previously unrecognized source of macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF). Journal of Experimental Medicine 1994;179:1895-1902\\
Calandra T, Bernhagen J, Metz CN, Spiegel LA, Bacher M, Donnelly T, Cerami A, Bucala R. MIF as a glucocorticoid-induced modulator of cytokine production. Nature, 1995;377:68-71\\
Calandra T, Echtenacher B, Leroy D, Pugin J, Metz CN, Hültner L, Heumann D, Männel D, Bucala R, Glauser MP. Protection from septic shock by neutralization of macrophage migration inhibitory factor. Nature Medicine 2000;6:164-170\\
Roger T, David J, Glauser MP, Calandra T. MIF regulates innate immune responses through modulation of Toll-like receptor 4. Nature 2001;414:920-924\\
Calandra T and Roger T. Macrophage migration inhibitory factor: A regulator of innate immunity. Nat Rev Immunol 2003;3: 791-800\\
Roger T, Froidevaux C, Le Roy D, Reymond MK, Chanson AL, Mauri D, Burns K, Riederer BM, Akira S, Calandra T. Protection from lethal Gram-negative bacterial sepsis by targeting Toll-like receptor 4. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. 2009;106;2348-52\\
Roger T, Lugrin J, Le Roy D, Goy G, Mombelli M, Koessler T, Ding XC, Chanson A-L, Knaup Reymond M, Miconnet I, Schrenzel J, François J, François P, Calandra T. Histone deacetylase Inhibitors impair innate immune Responses to Toll-like Receptor agonist to Infection. Blood 2011;17:1205-1217\\
Savva A, Brouwer MC, Roger T, Valls Serón M, Le Roy D, Ferwerda B, van der Ende A, Bochud PY, van de Beek D, Calandra T. Functional polymorphisms of macrophage inhibitory factor as predictors of morbidity and motality of pneumococcal meningitis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 2016;113:3597-602.\\
Klompas M, Calandra T,  Singer M. Antibiotics for Sepsis-Finding the Equilibrium. JAMA, 2018;320:1433-4