!!Thijn Brummelkamp  - Selected Publications
Thijn Brummelkamp is (co-)corresponding author on all listed publications with exception of publication #1.\\
1. Brummelkamp, T.R., Bernards, R. and Agami, R. (2002). A system for stable expression of short interfering RNAs in mammalian cells. Science 296, 550-553.\\
Impact: this study has been cited >6000 times (Google Scholar), approach described in this manuscript is currently used in thousands laboratories worldwide and referred to in leading biology textbooks such as ‘Molecular Cell Biology’ (page 211, 6th edition).\\
2. Carette, J.E., Guimaraes, C.P., Varadarajan, M., Park, A.S., Wuethrich, I., Godarova, A., Kotecki, M., Cochran, B.H., Spooner, E., Ploegh, H.L. and Brummelkamp, T.R. (2009). Haploid genetic screens in human cells identify host factors used by pathogens. Science 326, 1231-1235.\\
Impact: this study a method for genetics in human cells was described that resembled powerful approaches in yeast model organisms. This formed the basis of 3 biotech spinouts (Haplogen Genetics, acquired by Horizon Discovery in 2015; Haplogen, partnered with Bayer in 2018; and Scenic Biotech, founded in 2017).\\
3. Carette, J.E., Raaben, M., Wong, A.C., Herbert, A.S., Obernosterer, G., Mulherkar, N., Kuehne, A.I., Kranzusch, P/J., Griffin, A.M., Ruthel, G., Dal Cin, P., Dye, J.M. 1, Whelan, S.P. 1, Chandran, K1. and Brummelkamp, T.R1. (2011). Ebola virus entry requires the cholesterol transporter Niemann-Pick C1. Nature, 477, 340-343.\\
Impact:   Together with a follow-up paper in EMBO journal (2012) these studies describe the identification of the long-sought receptor for Ebola virus. Highlighted in the New York Times (Key Protein May Give Ebola Virus Its Opening) and incorporated in textbooks (eg Medical Microbiology, 7th edition, Murray, Rosenthal, Pfaller, page 537).\\
4. Jae, L.T., Raaben, M., Herbert, A.S., Kuehne, A.I., Wirchnianski, A.S., Soh, T.K., Stubbs, S.H., Janssen, H., Damme, M., Saftig, P., Whelan, S.P., Dye, J.M. and Brummelkamp, T.R. (2014). Lassa virus entry requires a trigger-induced receptor switch. Science, 344, 1506-1510.\\
Impact: Together with publication #2 this study introduces a new paradigm in the entry of viruses into mamalian cells: the recognition of intracellular entry receptors.\\
5. Blomen, V.A. 1, Májek, P. 1, Jae, L.T. 1, Bigenzahn, J.W., Nieuwenhuis, J., Staring, J., Sacco, R., van Diemen, F.R., Olk, N., Stukalov, A., Marceau, C., Janssen, H., Carette, J.E., Bennett, K.L., Colinge, J., Superti-Furga, G. and Brummelkamp, T.R. (2015) Gene essentiality and synthetic lethality in haploid human cells. Science 350(6264) 1092-96.\\
Impact: Accompanied by a 'Perspective' in Science Magazine (The Indispensable Genome).\\
6. Staring, J., von Castelmur, E., Blomen, V.A., van den Hengel, L.G., Brockmann, M., Baggen, J., Thibaut, H.J., Nieuwenhuis, J., Janssen, H., van Kuppeveld, F.J.M., Perrakis, A., Carette, J.E. and Brummelkamp, T.R. (2017) PLA2G16, a Switch between Entry and Clearance of Picornaviridae. Nature 541, 412-416.\\
Impact: Accompanied by a News and Views article in Nature Magazine (Ins and outs of Picornaviruses). Inspired a drug development program at the biotech company Haplogen (now partnered with Bayer).\\
7. Brockmann, M. 1, Blomen, V.A. 1, Nieuwenhuis, J., Stickel, E., Raaben, M., Bleijerveld, O.B., Altelaar, A.F.M., Jae, L.T. 1 and Brummelkamp, T.R1. (2017) Genetic wiring maps of single-cell protein states reveal an off-switch for GPCR signalling. Nature 546, 307-311.\\
Impact: The described technology platform forms the basis for Scenic Biotech, the only EU-based company in Nature Biotechnology's top-10 academic spinouts of 2017 supported by a syndicate of Dutch-UK investors.\\
8. Mezzadra, R. 1, Sun, C. , Jae, L.T. , Gomez-Eerland, R., de Vries, E., Wu, W., Logtenberg, M.E.W., Slagter, M., Rozeman, E.A., Hofland, I., Broek,s A., Horlings, H.M., Wessels, L.F.A., Blank, C.U., Xiao, Y., Heck A.J.R., Borst, J., Brummelkamp, T.R. and Schumacher, T.N.M. (2017) Identification of CMTM6 and CMTM4 as PD-L1 protein regulators. Nature 549, 106-110.\\
9. Nieuwenhuis, J., Adamopoulos, A., Bleijerveld, O.B., Mazouzi, A., Stickel, E., Celie, P., Altelaar, M., Knipscheer, P., Perrakis, A., Blomen, V.A., and Brummelkamp, T.R. (2017) Vasohibins encode tubulin detyrosinating activity. Science 6369, 1453-1456. \\
Impact: This study identified an enzyme that scientist had been searching for for 40 years. Accompanied by a 'Perspective' in Science Magazine (Closing the tubulin detyrosination cycle).\\
10. Jangra, R.K., Herbert, A.S., Li, R., Jae, L.T., Kleinfelter, L.M., Slough, M.M., Barker, S.L., Guardado-Calvo, P., Román-Sosa, G., Dieterle, M.E.,  Kuehne, A.I., Muena, N.A., Wirchnianski, A.S., Nyakatura, E.K., Fels, J.M., Ng, M., Mittler, E., Pan, J., Bharrhan, S., Wec, A.Z., Lai, J.R., Sidhu, S.S., Tischler, N.D., Rey, F.A., Moffat, J., Brummelkamp, T.R.,  Wang, Z., Dye, J.M., and Chandran, K. (2018) Protocadherin-1 is critical for cell entry by New-World hantaviruses. Nature, 563, 559-563.