!!!Bruce Brown
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__Present and Previous Positions__
*2006 - present Pro-Vice-Chancellor Research. University of Brighton, England
*2009 - 2014 UK Chair: Research Excellence Framework (REF2014, Main Panel D), United Kingdom
*2011 - 2014 Executive Board. BBC MediaCity, Salford.
*2005 - present International Governor: Shenkar College of Design and Engineering. Tel Aviv, Israel 
*1991 - 2014 International Specialist Adviser: Hong Kong Council for Academic Accreditation, Hong Kong
*2010 - 2012 International Chair: Fundação para a Ciência ea Tecnologia, Portugal
*2001 - 2008 UK Chair: Research Assessment Exercise (RAE2008), United Kingdom
*1999 - 2006 UK Director: The Higher Education Academy — Subject Centre, for Learning and Teaching
*1989 - 2006 Dean: Faculty of Arts and Architecture. University of Brighton, England
*1984 - 1989 Head of Department of Design. University of Brighton, England
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
* 2007 WHO’s WHO: A&C Black. London, England
* 2005 Honorary Fellow: University for the Creative Arts, UK
* 2004 Honorary Fellow: Royal College of Art. London, England
* 1985 Elected Member: The Designers and Art Directors Association, London, England
* 1978 The Sanderson Award: Royal College of Art. London, England
* 1978 The Herbert Read Award: Royal College of Art, London, England
* 1973 Elected Fellow: The Royal Society of Arts for Industry, Manufacture and Commerce [[FRSA]

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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Brown_Bruce/CV]
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[Publication list|User/Brown_Bruce/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Brown_Bruce/Highlight]
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[Other information|User/Brown_Bruce/OtherInformation]

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