!!!Martin Bridson
[{Image src='Bridson_Martin_2019.jpg'  alt='Martin Bridson' height='220'}]

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__Present and Previous Positions__
* 2018 President, Clay Mathematics Institute 
* 2015 - 2018  Head of Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford
* 2007 Whitehead Professor of Pure Mathematics, University of Oxford
* 2007 Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford
* 2002 - 2007 Professor of Pure Mathematics, Imperial College London
* 1999 - 2002 Professor of Topology, University of Oxford
* 1997 - 2002 EPSRC Advanced Fellow, Oxford
* 1994 - 2001 Tutorial Fellow, Pembroke College, University of Oxford 
* 1992 - 1997 Assistant Professor, Princeton University
* 1991 - 1992 Instructor, Princeton University
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
* 2020 Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition, American Mathematical Society (with Andre Haefliger)
* 2018 Honorary Fellow, Hertford College Oxford
* 2016 Fellow of the Royal Society 
* 2015 Fellow of the American Mathematical Society
* 2012 Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award 
* 2009 Abel Prize Lecturer
* 2007 - 2012 EPSRC Senior Fellowship
* 2006 Invited Speaker, International Congress of Mathematicians, Madrid 
* 2012 Clay Senior Scholar in Residence, PCMI  
* 2012 Britton Lectures 
* 2011 Erwin Schrodinger Lecture 
* 2009 Marker Lectures 
* 2005 LMS-NZMS Forder Lecturer
* 1997 - 2002 EPSRC Advanced Fellowship 
* 1999 London Mathematical Society Whitehead Prize

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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Bridson_Martin/CV]
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[Publication list|User/Bridson_Martin/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Bridson_Martin/Highlight]
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[Other information|User/Bridson_Martin/OtherInformation]

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