!!Bibliographical data 
[List of publications|boudon_raymond_publications.pdf]
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__A) Books__
*Education, opportunity and social inequality, New York, Wiley, 1974; 
*The logic of social action, London/Boston, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1981; 
*The unintended consequences of social action, London, Macmillan, 1982; 
*Theories of social change : a critical appraisal, London, Basil Blackwell/Polity, 1986; 
*The Analysis of Ideology, London, Polity Press, 1989 
*A Critical Dictionary of Sociology, Chicago/London, The University of Chicago Press & Routledge, 1989 (with F. Bourricaud) 
*The Art of Self Persuasion, London, Polity, 1994 
*Le juste et le vrai ; études sur l’objectivité des valeurs et de la connaissance, Paris, Fayard, 1995  
*Etudes sur les sociologues classiques, Paris, 1998, Puf 
*Central Currents in Social Theory (collection of texts edited with M. Cherkaoui), 8 volumes, London, Sage, 2000
*The Origin of Values : Essays in the Sociology and Philosophy of Normative Beliefs, New Brunswick/ London, 2001
*Déclin de la morale? Déclin des valeurs?, Paris, Puf, 2002
*Y a-t-il encore une sociologie ? Paris, Odile Jacob, 2003
*Raison ? Bonnes raisons, Paris, Puf, 2003
*Tocqueville for today, Oxford, Blackwell, 2006
*Le relativisme, Paris, Puf, 2008
*La rationalité, Paris, Puf, 2009
*Raymond Boudon, A life in sociology, 4 volumes, Oxford, Bardwell, 2009
*La sociologie comme science, Paris, La Découverte, 2010.
*A Defence of Common Sense : Towards a General Theory of Rationality, Oxford, Bardwell, 2010.
__B) Articles (selection)__
*« Short higher education and the pitfalls of collective action », Minerva, XIV, 1, 1976, 33-60.
*« The three basic paradigms of macrosociology : functionalism, neo-marxism and action analysis », Theory and Decision, 6, 1976, 381-406.
*« A sociologist looks at Rawls' theory of justice », conference, Harvard University, Contemporary Sociology, V, 2, 1976, 102- 109.
*« Generating models as a research strategy », in Robert K. Merton, James S. Coleman, Peter H. Rossi (reds), Qualitative and Quantitative Social Research, New York, The Free Press/Londres, Collier Macmillan, 1979, 51-64.
*« Undesired consequences and types of systems of interdependence », in Peter Blau & Robert Merton (eds), Continuities in Structural Inquiry, Sage Publications, 1981, 255-283.
*« Individual action and social change : a no-theory of social change », 46th Hobhouse Lecture, London School of Economics, The British Journal of Sociology, XXXIV, 1, March 1983, 1-18.
*« Why the theories of social change fail. Some methodological thoughts », 5th Lazarsfeld Lecture, Columbia University, Public Opinion Quarterly, XLVII, 1983, 143-160.
*« The individualistic tradition in sociology », in Jeffrey C. Alexander, Bernhard Giesen, Richard Münch, Neil J. Smelser (eds), The Micro-Macro Link, Berkeley/Los Angeles/London, University of California Press, 1987, 45-70.
*« Subjective rationality and the explanation of social behavior », Rationality and Society, Vol. 1, n° 2, October 1989, 171-196.
*« The two facets of the unintended consequences paradigm », in J. Clark, C. Modgil, S. Modgil (eds), Robert K. Merton. Consensus and controversy, London/New York/ Philadelphia, Falmer Press, 1990, 119-127.
*« Sentiments of Justice and Social Inequalities », Social Justice Research, Vol. 5, n° 2, Juin 1992.
*« European sociology: the identity lost? », in Birgitta Nedelmann & Piotr Sztompka (eds), Sociology in Europe. In search of identity, New York/Berlin, de Gruyter, 1993, 27-44. 
*« Toward a synthetic theory of rationality », International Studies in the Philosophy of Science, vol. 7, n° 1, 1993, 5-19. Comments by Hans Albert, Elizier Ben-Rafaël, Franco Crespi, Stephan Fuchs, Hartmut Kliemt, Paolo Legrenzi et Rino Rumiati, Sigwart Lindenberg, Steven Lukes, Marco Mondadori, Aldo Montesano, Robert Nadeau, Alessandro Pizzorno, Salvino A. Salvaggio, Toom Vandevelde, Ibid., 21-86.
*« Beyond the alternative between the homo sociologicus and the homo oeconomicus : Toward a theory of cold beliefs », in A. B. Sørensen et S. Spilerman (eds), Social Theory and Social Policy, Westport, CT, London, Praeger, 1993, 43-57.
*Paul F. Lazarsfeld : On social research and its language, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1993 (with an introduction by R. Boudon).
*« The Moral Sense », Sidney Ball Lecture, Oxford, All Souls College, 21 novembre 1995, International sociology, vol. 12, n°1, march 1997, 5-24.
*« The ‘Rational choice model’ : a particular case of the ‘Cognitive model’ », Rationality and Society, 8, 2, 123-150
*« The present relevance of Max Weber’s Wertrationalität (value rationality) », in P. Koslowski, Methodology of the social sciences, ethics, and economics in the newer historical school : from Max Weber and Rickert to Sombart and Rothacker, Berlin/New York, Springer, 1997
*« Social mechanisms without black boxes », Conference on « Social mechanisms », Royal Academy of Science, Stockholm, 6-7 juin 96, in Peter Hedström et Richard Swedberg,(eds.), Social mechanisms : an analytical approach to social theory, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1998, 172-203. 
*« Local vs. general ideologies: a normal ingredient of modern political life », J. of Political Ideologies, june 1999, 4(2), 141-161.
*« Limitations of rational choice theory », American Journal of Sociology, Vol.104, number 3 (November 1998): 817-828.
*« Explaining the feelings of justice » (with Emmanuelle Betton), Ethical Theory and Moral Practice. An International Forum, Vol.2, N°4, 1999, 365-398. Reprinted in Boudon & M. Cherkaoui (eds.), Central Currents in Social Theory, Londres, Russell Sage Foundation, 2000, Vol. VI, pp. 453-484.
*« Sociology », International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2001, Elsevier.
*« Theories of action », International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2001, Elsevier
*« A ‘satisfying’ theory of knowledge », in R. Viale (ed.), Knowledge and Politics, Berlin, Physica-Verlag c/o Springer, 2002.
*«  Sociology that really matters», inaugural conference, European Academy of Sociology, 26 October 2001, Swedish Cultural Center, European Sociological Review, vol 18, no. 3, 1-8.
*« Beyond Rational Choice Theory », Annual Review of Sociology, prefatory chapter, 2003, vol. 29.