!!Ştefan Borbély - Curriculum Vitae
ŞTEFAN BORBÉLY is a Professor Emeritus at the Department of World and Comparative literature of The Faculty of Letters in Cluj, Romania (Babes-Bolyai University). He holds a Ph.D. in comparative literature (1999). Starting as an editorial member of the student literary journal Echinox, edited in Cluj, he made his debut in 1995, by publishing the volume of essays Grădina magistrului Thomas (Master Thomas’s Garden). His further books are: Xenograme (Xenograms, 1997), Visul lupului de stepă (The Steppenwolf’s Dream, 1999), De la Herakles la Eulenspiegel. Eroicul (From Herakles to Eulenspiegel. The Hero, 2001; 2nd ed. in 2013), Opoziţii constructive (Constructive oppositions, 2002), Matei Călinescu. Monografie (Matei Calinescu. A monography, 2003), Cercul de graţie (The Circle of Grace, 2003), Proza fantastică a lui Mircea Eliade. Complexul gnostic (Mircea Eliade’s Fantastic Fiction. The Gnostic Complex, 2003), Mitologie generală I (General Mythology, I, 2004), Despre Thomas Mann si alte eseuri (On Thomas Mann and other Essays, 2005), O carte pe săptămână (A Book per Week, 2007), Pornind de la Nietzsche (Starting from Nietzsche, 2010), Existenţa diafană (The Serene Existence, 2011), Homo brucans şi alte eseuri (Homo brucans and Other Essays, 2012), Civilizaţii de sticlă. Utopie, distopie, urbanism (Glass Civilizations. Utopia, Dystopia, Urban Planning, 2013), Eseuri biblice (Biblical Essays, 2015), Simetrii şi discrepanţe (Symmetries and Discrepancies, 2017).
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He coordinated Experienţa externă (Experience Abroad, 1999), as well as Ion Pop – şapte decenii de melancolie şi literatură (Ion Pop – 7 Decades of Melancholy and Literature, 2011) and translated G.M. Tamas’s essays into Romanian (Idola tribus, 2001). He is a member of the Romanian Writers’ Union and contributing editor for The Journal for Psychohistory. He has contributed to many literary dictionaries and encyclopedias such as: Dicţionarul Scriitorilor Români (The Romanian Writers’ Dictionary, DSR, vol. 1-4), Dicţionarul Esenţial al Scriitorilor Români (the abbreviated version of the previous work, DESR), Dicţionar Analitic de Opere Literare Româneşti (The Analytical Dictionary of the Romanian Literary Works, vol. 1-4), The Facts on File Companion to the World Novel (2008). Scholarships: four New Europe College (Bucharest) scholarships during 1996 and 2004; East European Scholar, St. John’s College, Oxford, UK, June (1999); Fulbright Visiting Scholar, Indiana University, Bloomington, US (March-Nov. 1992); visiting fellow in New York:  at Columbia University and at The Institute for Psychohistory respectively (1997, 1999, 2000); visiting fellow, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (2001), Jawaharlal Nehru University, India (Institute of Advanced Study, 2009), and Universidad de Granada, Spain (2012).
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He received several literay prizes from the Cluj chapter of the Romanian Writers' Union and the Lucian Blaga Prize of The Romanian Academy in 2012. He publishes frequently in Contemporanul/Ideea Europeană ([http://www.ideeaeuropeana.ro]). Internet: [http://sites.google.com/site/stefanborbely].\\ \\