!!Enrico Bonatti
!Short laudatio by Carlo Doglioni
The research activity of Enrico Bonatti is focused on the evolution of the oceanic crust, the structure and generation of oceanic ridges and transform faults. He provided fundamental results with chemical and structural constraints and models on the accretion of the oceanic
lithosphere. He mostly concentrated his cruises in the Atlantic and in the Red Sea. He participated to several expeditions. His research spanned also into the evolution of the Earth system, its atmosphere, and its geodynamics. He has shown as some so-called hotspots are actually areas of cooler mantle richer in fluids, which decrease the melting point of the mantle rocks.
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Enrico Bonatti is likely the most acknowledged Earth’s scientist in Italy.
He published more than 20 articles in journals like Nature and Science, plus a long list of seminal papers on the highest ranked journals.
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He spent much effort also in divulgating science at a larger audience as shown by the Scientific American, Le Scienze and other classic journals.


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