!!Katharina Boele-Woelki - Selected Publications
1.   Combined Comparative Research in the Field of Family Relations: Some Reflections from the Legal Perspective, Journal of Family Research/Zeitschrift für Familienforschung, 2015, 239-256\\
  2.   Why and how to accommodate an optional European family law, in:  Ellger,  Mankowski, Merkt, Remien & Witzleb (eds), Festschrift für Dieter Martiny, Mohr Siebeck Tübingen, 2014, 27-40 \\
  3.  (Cross-border) Surrogate Motherhood: We Need to Take Action Now!,  in: The  Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference on Private International Law, A Commitment to Private International Law, Cambridge-Antwerp-Portland,  Intersentia, 2013, 47-58 \\
  4.  Ziel- und Wertvorstellungen der CEFL in ihren Prinzipien zum europäischen Familienrecht, in: Heiderhoff/Röthel (eds), Regelungsaufgabe Paarbeziehung: Was kann, was darf, was will der Staat?, Metzner Verlag-Frankfurt, 2012, 67-87 \\
  5.  Cross-border Family Relationships in Europe: Towards a Common European Matrimonial Property Law based upon Cooperation between Private International Law and Substantive Law, in: Keirse/Loos (eds), Alternative Ways to a New Ius Commune, Ius commune Europeanum, Intersentia-Antwerp, 2012, 33-47 \\
  6.  Afschaffing van de conflictenrechtelijke toets binnen de Unie: Nederland strekt tot voorbeeld, in:  De\\
       Boer/Fokkens/Vlas/Vos/De Vries  Lentsch-Kostense  (eds),  Stikwerda’s  conclusies,  Kluwer-Deventer, 2011, 51-64\\
  7.  Unifying and Harmonizing Substantive Law and the Role of Conflict of Laws, Hague Academy of International Law, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 274 p.\\
  8.  For better or for worse: The Europeanization of International Divorce Law, Yearbook of Private International Law 2010, 2011,1-26 \\
  9.  Zwischen Konvergenz  und  Divergenz:  Die  CEFL  Prinzipien zum Europäischen Familienrecht, Rabels Zeitschrift für internationales und ausländisches Privatrecht, 2009, 241-267\\
10.  What comparative family law should entail, Utrecht Law Review 2008 Volume 4 issue 2, 2008, 1-24