!!Colette Bodelot - Curriculum Vitae
__Education and academic career__\\
*1973-74, Undergraduate degree , Classical philology, Centre Universitaire of Luxembourg\\
*1975-1977, Graduate degree and Master, Latin linguistics and Philology, University Paris IV-Sorbonne \\
*1982 Doctoral thesis in Latin linguistics and Philology: ' Procédés et matériel de l’interrogation indirecte en latin', supervisor: Guy Serbat, University of Paris IV-Sorbonne \\
*1998 Habilitation: 'La subordination complétive en latin', supervisor:  Jacqueline Dangel, University of Paris IV-Sorbonne.
__Teaching experience__\\
*Latin language, Latin linguistics, Late latin, Latin literature, translations from French into Latin;\\
*Master degree: Orality in Latin literary texts; Grammar of a text: syntax and pragmatics; Grammar and Rhetorics in Rome: continuity and rupture.\\
*As invited Professor (November 2012), at the University of Salamanca: Grammar of a text: aspects of the sermo cottidianus in Latin.\\
Supervision of about twenty Master theses\\
Supervision of four PhD. theses
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__Research interests__
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Latin syntax; subordination, completive clauses, indirect questions, subordinators; anaphora, cataphora and correlative constructions; macro-syntax and extraposition; grammaticalisation; adjectives and their complements; diachrony of Latin.
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__Other academic activities__\\
1) Participation in research projects\\
*Centre universitaire of Luxembourg (1987-2000):  L’interrogation indirecte en latin de Plaute à Tacite; Les complétives appositives en latin; Les « complétives » en si en latin (head of the project); Les subordonnées complétives en latin (head of the project);\\ 
*ANR project, Université de Paris IV-Sorbonne (2011-): Dictionnaire historique et encyclopédie linguistique du latin (dir. Michèle Fruyt);\\
*ANR project, ENS Lyon, Université de Lille III (2012-): Latin tardif – Français ancien. Continuités et ruptures (dir. Céline Guillot et Anne Carlier);\\ 
*International ANR-DFG project (Universität Regensburg, ENS Lyon, Université de Lille III (2015-) PaLaFra 'Le Passage du Latin au Français' dir. Maria Selig, Céline Guillot et Anne Carlier).\\  
2) Organisation of worskhops and conferences\\
*International Workshop 'Anaphore, cataphore et corrélation dans la phrase complexe du latin', 7 Jan. 2003, University of Clermont-Ferrand II.\\
*International conference 'Eléments ‘asyntaxiques’ ou hors structure dans l’énoncé latin',  16-17 Sept. 2005, University of Clermont-Ferrand II.\\
*International conference 'Morphologie, syntaxe et sémantique des subordonnants', 12-13 March 2009, University of Clermont-Ferrand II (co-organizer).\\
*Member of the organizing committee of the 13th International Colloquium on Latin linguistics, 4-9 April 2005, Bruxelles.\\
*Workshop 'Autour du clivage langue parlée / langue écrite : du latin au français', 25 March 2016, University of Clermont-Ferrand II;  (co-organizer).\\
*International workshop 'Constructions avec verbe support', 23-24 September 2016. University of Toulouse II, Jean-Jaurès, Nouvelle Maison de la Recherche ; PHL, CRATA et Laboratoire de Recherche sur le Langage - EA 999; (co-organizer).\\
3) Member of scientific committees
*International colloquium on Greek and Latin Syntax, 26-27 Nov. 2010, ENS, Paris.\\
*International colloquium 'Nouveaux acquis sur la formation de noms en grec', 17-18 Oct. 2013, University of Rouen.\\
*International colloquium 'Réduction, densification, élision : formes et fonctions discursives', 25-26 may 2018, University Clermont Auvergne ; Laboratoire de Recherche sur le Langage - EA 999.\\ 
4) Reviews
*Reviewer of the Transactions of the Philological Society\\
*Reviewer of the Cahiers du LRL (UBP – Clermont-Ferrand II)\\
*Reviewer of Kratylos\\
*Reviewer of Latomus\\
*Reviewer of the Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris\\
*Reviewer of the Revue des Etudes latines
5) Regular participation in international colloquia and workshops on Latin linguistics (Austria, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Spain, France, Israël, Italy, Sweden, etc.)