!!Philippe Blanchard - Selected publications
Probabilistic representation for solutions of an irregular porous media type equation (with M. Röckner amd F. Russo), The Annals of Probability 38, 1870-1900 (2010)\\
Intelligibility and first passage times in complex urban networks (with D. Volchenkov), Proc. R. Soc. A 464 (2008) 2153-2167\\
Decoherence as Irreversible Dynamical Process, in Open Quantum Systems (with R. Olkiewicz), Open Quantum Systems III, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 882, Springer (2006)\\
Phase transition and critical behavior in a model of organized criticality  (with M. Biskup, L. Chayes, D. Gandolfo and T. Krüger), \\
Probability Theory and Related Fields 128 (2004) 1-41\\
The "Cameo Principle" and the origin of scale free graphs in social networks (with T. Krüger), Journal of Stat. Phys. 114 (2004) 1399-1416 \\
Decoherence induced continuous pointer states (with R. Olkiewicz), Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 (2003) 010403-1\\
What we can learn about Self-Organized-Criticality from Dynamical Systems Theory (with B. Cessac and T. Krüger), Journal of Stat. Phys. 98 (2000) 375-404\\
Modelling AIDS-Epidemics or any venereal disease on random graphs (with G. Bolz and T. Krüger) in "Stochastic Processes in\\
Epidemic Theory" Proceedings CIRM, J.P. Gabriel and Ph. Picard Eds., Lecture Notes in Biomathematics 86, Springer 1990\\
Large deviations from classical paths: Hamiltonians flows as classical limits of quantum flows (with M. Sirugue), Comm. Math. Phys. 101, 173-185 (1985)\\
Existence of Green's functions for theories with massless particles (with R. Séneor). Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré XXXIII, 147-209 (1975)\\
Random Walks and Diffusions on Graphs and Databases. An Introduction (with D. Volchenkov), Springer Complexity (2011)\\
Variational Methods in Mathematical Physics - A Unified Approach, Texts and Monographs in Physics, with E. Brüning, Springer Verlag (1992)