!Dines' Lectures in Vienna, May 2010: (See much mor more in his ["trivia page!" |http://www2.imm.dtu.dk/~db/trivia] and his [other own page|http://www2.imm.dtu.dk/~db/node2.html] !

The faculty visited was that of `Informatics' and the institute was that of Computer Languages (Argentinierstraße 8, 1040 Vienna) led by Prof. Jens Knoop. See my course home page at that institute. Lectures we every weekday, Monday-Friday 9:00-11:00 and 14:00-16:00. Led by Jens Knoop and the institute administzrative secretary Ewa Vesely, we were 6-8 who went out for lunch every day. In this way we "covered" a dozen local restaurants.\\

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[{Image src='Dines2.jpg' caption='Dines in Vienna' width='400' alt='Dines'}]
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Always having the "Tagesmenü": soup and main course, at about 7 Euros. I normally drank "an eighth" (12.5 dcl) of Austrian wine, alternating between white and red. Six minutes to the restaurant, eight minutes back. I only had 5 students.\\

One of them was Tanja Sisel. When I read her name loud, on the first lecture morning, I said, in German, ... in the early 1970s I lived in and she continued: Aufhofstrasse 84. Yes, indeed it was. The daughter of Christina and Dieter, the most daring couple, and she the most beautiful woman among our two-level garden apartments !\\


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