!!Federica Bessone - Curriculum Vitae

*PhD, Greek and Latin Philology, University of Pisa (1994)\\
*Diploma, SNS Pisa, Humanities (1984 - 1988) \\
*Laurea, Faculty of Humanities, University of Pisa (13/4/1989) \\

*Coordinator of the Curriculum in Greek, Latin and Byzantine Philology and Literature, PhD in Humanities, University of Turin, 2019\\
*President of the Admissions Committee, MPhil in Philology, literatures and history of antiquity, 2012\\
*President of the BA program in Humanities, 2015/10-2018/09 \\

*Member of the editorial board of the journals: Eugesta (2011), Rivista di Cultura Classica e Medioevale (2014), Materiali e Discussioni per l’analisi dei testi classici (2018), Frammenti sulla scena (online) (2019), Aevum (2022)\\
*Co-director of the series ‘Millennium’, Alessandria, Edizioni dell’Orso (2014)\\
*Member of the editorial board of the ‘Oxford Commentaries on Flavian Poetry’, OUP (2019)\\
*Co-director of a critical edition and commentary of Statius’ ‘Thebaid’, in four volumes, for the Fondazione Lorenzo Valla\\
*Referee for several international journals (e.g. AJPh, CCJ, CJ, CQ, Dictynna, ICS, Mnemosyne, Philologus, Trends in Classics) \\

*Co-founder and member of EuGeStA (European network on Gender Studies in Antiquity, 2009)\\
*Participant in local, national and international research projects and groups (e.g. International Ovidian Society, PARSA, Réseau Poésie Augustéenne) \\
*(Co-)organizer of international conferences and (co-)editor of the proceedings (e.g. F. Bessone, M. Fucecchi, eds., The Literary Genres in the Flavian Age. Canons, Transformations, Reception, Berlin-Boston, De Gruyter, 2017; F. Bessone, ed., Dalla ‘Tebaide’ alla ‘Commedia’ (e oltre). Nuovi studi su Stazio e la sua ricezione, "RCCM" 64.1, 2022)\\
*Supervisor, co-tutor and external examiner for several PhD theses in Classics\\
*Speaker at many international conferences in Europe and USA, invited to give lectures and seminars for PhD students, talks at classical associations and secondary schools\\
[Full CV and list of publications|https://www.studium.unito.it/do/docenti.pl/Alias?federica.bessone#tab-profilo]\\ \\