!!L.Gunnar W. Bergström
Professor of Ethological Chemistry, Göteborg University (GU)\\
*B.Sc. (Fil.kand.) in: Chemistry (4), Biology (2), History of Science (1) , GU 1961, Biochemistry, Lund University, 1962.  Fil. lic., GU 1968
*Ph.D. (Ecological Chemistry/Biochemistry), GU 1973
*Ass. Prof. (Docent) in Ecological Chemistry/Biochemistry, GU 1973
*Professor  of  Ethological Chemistry, GU 1983.
*Languages: Swedish, English, German, French (in that order)
__Positions held__
*Research Assistant in Medical Physics, GU 1964-1967
*Research Assistant in Medical Biochemistry, GU 1967-1970
*Research Assistant with the Swedish Natural Science Research Council (NFR) in Ecological Chemistry, Uppsala University, 1970-1976
*Associate Professor of  Biochemistry, GU 1973-1983
*Special Research Position with the Swedish Natural Science Research Council (NFR) in 
  Ecological Chemistry, GU 1976-1983
*Professor of Ethological Chemistry, GU 1983
__International  positions__
*Research assistant, University of Copenhagen (Oersted Institute), 1964 (3 months).
*Research assistant, Université de Toulouse (Lab. de Chimie des Substances Naturelles), 1967 (3 months).
*Guest Professor, University of Texas, Austin, 1976.
*Guest Professor, University of California, Berkeley, 1994.
*Calls for Chairs at:   Austin,Texas (1976);  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (1985); Gainesville, Florida (1985);  Tours, France (1990).
__Research areas__
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Interdisciplinary research (Chemistry/Biology) with an emphasis on:  1. Analytical
Chemistry, Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry;  2. Ethology, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology.  Specific areas: Ethological Chemistry and Chemical Ecology -  Chemical communication and interaction between organisms, especially behaviour-guiding olfactory signals in plants and insects, studied both from the basic and the applied point of view. This involves development of analytical techniques, analyses of chemical signals, and formulation of  micro-evolutionary theory at the molecular level.
Scientific publications in Ethological Chemistry and Chemical Ecology.
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*Chairman of the Department of Chemical Ecology, GU,  1973-2002.
*Responsible for the chemical facilities at the Uppsala University Research Station on 
   ?land, 1973-1985.
*Leader of the analytical chemistry section of the Collaborative Research Program 
   (NFR, SJFR) “Odour Signals for the Control of Forest Pest Insects”, 1978-1987.
*Secretary for the Board of Junior Scientists at the Swedish Natural Science Research 
   Council (NFR), 1979-1983.
*Chairman of Committee to create an interdisciplinary subject in Environmental Science 
   at Göteborg University and Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, 1990.
*Member of the Board of the Subfaculty of Biological Sciences at Göteborg University, 
*Member of the Board of the Botanical Institute at Göteborg University, 1994-1998.
*Secretary for the Swedish Professor`s Association, Göteborg, 1987-1990.
*Member of the Scientific Committee for the Volvo Environment Prize, 1990-2006.
*Member of Committee for planning of heavy instrumentation, Faculty of Natural 
  Sciences, Göteborg University, 1998-1999.
*Chairman of the Scientific Council for GUSTOLF - National Centre for Studies of 
  Olfaction and Taste at Göteborg University, 1998-2003.
__International  engagements__
*Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Chemical Ecology, since 1975.
*Member of the Editorial Board of Insect Biochemistry, 1978-1984.
*Organizer of EUCHEM Conference on “Chemistry of Insects - Chemical Communiction and Interaction” in Borgholm on Öland, 1979.
*President of the International Society of Chemical Ecology (ISCE), 1985-1986.
*Member of the Advisory Council of ISCE, 1987-1992.
*Member (Swedish Representative) of the planning group for ESF Network on Plant-Insect Relationships, 1989-1992.
*Organizer of the 6th Int. Meeting in Chemical Ecology (ISCE) in Göteborg, 1989.
*Analytical Chemistry Partner of EU Res. Project (FAIR), “Pine sawfly pheromones for sustainable management of European forests” (PHERODIP), 1996-1999.
*Referee for Dissertations in France, Ireland, Germany and Italy.
*Referee for evaluation of candidates for Academic Positions in USA, Germany, Great Britain, France and Canada.
*Evaluations of grant proposals in France, Japan, USA, Germany, Switzerland, Kenya and Israel.
*Member of planning group for a Max-Planck-Institute for Chemical Ecology  in Jena, 1997-1998.
*Chairman of first Gordon Conference, in Oxford England, 1999, on:  “Floral Scents: Chemistry, Biology and Evolution”
*Graduate courses in Chemical Ecology given in Göteborg, Stockholm, Uppsala, and Austin, Texas. Graduated students. Undergraduate teaching, including student`s experimental work, in Ethological Chemistry and Chemical Ecology, Göteborg. Public lectures.
__Publishing and participation in current debate__
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''Books in preparation:''\\ \\
1. “DOFTERNA STYR”(Sw.), “THE SCENTS RULE” (Eng.),  A popular science book about the phenomenon, science and application of scent and smell, including philosophical aspects.
2. “ABC” (Analyses in Biological Chemistry),  An Introduction to Ethological Chemistry: Analytical techniques, Pheromones, Semiochemicals, Hormones and Neurotransmittors.
3. “SCENTS AND ODOURS IN LITERATURE”, A study of how authors use references to olfactory sensations in prose and poetry.\\ \\
Participation in current debate about the place of Science in Society, Chemical aspects of Environment and Health, Chemodiversity (Molecular diversity) as an important aspect of Biodiversity, and the role and position of Chemistry in Society. 
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Public and Company consulting in Science generally, and in  Analytical Chemistry and Chemical Ecology of  biological control, air and water quality, scent and smell.
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In the areas of methods for the selective and non-toxic monitoring and control of insects with the help of  species-specific pheromones (bark beetles),  and in techniques for the analyses of airborne organic chemicals.
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__Scientific meetings__
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Organisation, participation with presentations, and invited speaker, at  congresses, symposia, seminars and workshops in Chemical Ecology and related areas/topics.
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*The Letterstedt Prize “for important investigations” (given by the Royal Swedish
   Academy of Sciences), 1978.
*2nd Prize in Swedish Radio/Telev.competition for best popular science program, 1978.
*The Insect Biochemistry Prize for best scientific article of the year, 1980.
*The Linnean Prize (given by the Royal Society of Sciences, Uppsala), 1982.
*Invitation by His Royal Highness at the occasion of The International Prize in Biology, 
  by Emperor Hirohito of Japan, 1986.
*Invitation by Fondation Les Treilles, France (Mme. Schlumberger), Evolution of social 
  organization in insects (Symposium), 1986.
*ISCE (International Society of Chemical Ecology)  Medals, 1989 and 2008 (Annual Silver Medal   
  with Plenary Talk).
*NOR, Swedish Royal Medal/Diploma of Merit, 1989.
*Invited speaker at Jean-Marie Delwart International Symposia, Belgium: “Plant-Insect 
  Relationships” 1995, and “Insect and Vertebrate Olfaction” 1998.
*ISCE Life Member, from the start 1984.
*Fellow of The Royal Society of Arts and Sciences (KVVS), Göteborg, 1985.
*Fellow of The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (KVA), Stockholm, 1994.
*Fellow of the Linnean Society (LS), London, 1995. 
*Fellow of Academia Europaea, 2001.
*Member of the Académie Europ. des Sciences, des Arts et des Lettres, Paris, 2004. 
*Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, Salzburg, 2005.
*Fellow of FVS, The Finnish Scientific Society, Helsinki, 2005.