!!Dominique Bergmann - Selected Publications
1) Nir I, Amador GO, Gong Y, Smoot NK, Cai L, Shohat H, et al.  Evolution of polarity protein BASL and the capacity for stomatal lineage asymmetric divisions. Curr Biol. 2022; 32:1-9. (IF most recent: 10.83; Ranking: 17/293; Q1)\\
This work provided a plausible origin for the novel polarity protein BASL and the emergence of asymmetric cell divisions of different fate outcomes among diverse plant stomatal lineages. \\
2) Lopez-Anido CB, Vatén A, Smoot NK, Sharma N, Guo V, Gong Y, et al. Single-cell resolution of lineage trajectories in the Arabidopsis stomatal lineage and developing leaf. Dev Cell. 2021;56: 1043–1055.e4. (IF most recent: 12.27; Ranking: 13/289; Q1)\\
This was the first use of scRNAseq to define cell type transitions in a plant epidermal cell lineage. It was also highlighted in [https://news.stanford.edu/2021/04/05/artful-study-cellular-development-leaves]\\
3) Gong Y, Alassimone J, Varnau R, Sharma N, Cheung LS, Bergmann DC. Tuning self-renewal in the Arabidopsis stomatal lineage by hormone and nutrient regulation of asymmetric cell division. Elife. 2021;10. doi:10.7554/eLife.63335 (IF most recent: 8.14; Ranking 10/254; Q1)\\
4) Muroyama A, Gong Y, Bergmann DC. Opposing, Polarity-Driven Nuclear Migrations Underpin Asymmetric Divisions to Pattern Arabidopsis Stomata. Curr Biol. 2020;30: 4549–4552. (IF most recent: 10.83; Ranking: 17/293; Q1)\\
This work made the unexpected finding that asymmetric cell divisions were flanked by nuclear migrations in opposite directions, and relying on two different cytoskeletal systems, but one common polarity factor. This work was highlighted in Arif Ashraf M, Facette M. Plant Biology: BASL Gives the Plant Nucleus a Sense of Direction. Curr Biol. 2020;30: R1375–R1377\\
5) Mair A, Xu S-L, Branon TC, Ting AY, Bergmann DC. Proximity labeling of protein complexes and cell-type-specific organellar proteomes in Arabidopsis enabled by TurboID. Elife. 2019;8. doi:10.7554/eLife.47864 (IF most recent: 8.14; Ranking 10/254; Q1)\\
This work showed the promise of proximity labeling for cell-type specific proteomics in plants and for the identification of rare and transient developmental protein complexes.  Tools and reagents created in this work have been distributed to more than 150 scientists around the world.\\
6) Muroyama A, Bergmann D. Plant Cell Polarity: Creating Diversity from Inside the Box. Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol. 2019;35: 309–336.\\
(IF most recent: 13.82; Ranking: 7/289; Q1)\\
7) Vatén A, Soyars CL, Tarr PT, Nimchuk ZL, Bergmann DC. Modulation of Asymmetric Division Diversity through Cytokinin and SPEECHLESS Regulatory Interactions in the Arabidopsis Stomatal Lineage. Dev Cell. 2018;47: 53–66.e5. (IF most recent: 12.27; Ranking: 13/289; Q1)\\
8) Raissig MT, Matos JL, Anleu Gil MX, Kornfeld A, Bettadapur A, Abrash E, et al. Mobile MUTE specifies subsidiary cells to build physiologically improved grass stomata. Science. 2017;355: 1215–1218. (IF most recent: 41.8; Ranking 2/57; Q1)\\
This work revealed that novel, grass-specific cell types were regulated by modification of the core genetic network of stomatal transcription factors first identified in Arabidopsis. This work was highlighted in https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/03/170316141038.htm\\
9) Lau OS, Davies KA, Chang J, Adrian J, Rowe MH, Ballenger CE, et al. Direct roles of SPEECHLESS in the specification of stomatal self-renewing cells. Science. 2014;345: 1605–1609. (IF most recent: 41.8; Ranking 2/57; Q1)\\
10) Dong J, MacAlister CA, Bergmann DC. BASL controls asymmetric cell division in Arabidopsis. Cell. 2009;137: 1320–1330. (IF most recent: 26.304; Ranking 1/254; Q1)\\
This work identified the first plant protein that regulated the asymmetry of plant epidermal stem cells and was itself polarly localized and inherited during divisions. It was highlighted in:  Plant asymmetric cell division, Vive la différence!, Cell 137:1189-1192; Cell Paperclip 137i7 June 26, 2009; Scientific highlights of the year in the Multinational Arabidopsis Steering Committee annual report; highlighted in the Stanford Report and selected by Faculty of 1000.\\
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