!!Dominique Bergmann - Curriculum Vitae
*Postdoctoral Scholar  Carnegie Institution, Dept. of Plant Biology     \\
*PhD     MCD Biology, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO \\
*BA         Molecular and Cellular Biology, UC Berkeley, CA 
*2020   Shirley R. and Leonard W. Ely Endowed Professorship in Humanities and Sciences \\
*2017   Elected to U.S. National Academy of Sciences\\
*2010   Charles Albert Shull Award (American Society for Plant biology)\\
*2010 - 2015  Presidential Early Career Award (PECASE) from National Institutes of Health\\
*2009 - 2014  NSF CAREER Award
*__Scientific advisory boards:__ Quantitative Biology and the NSF-Simons Center at Harvard (2020-present); Sainsbury lab, Cambridge UK (2019-2022); Gregor Mendel Institute, Vienna, Austria (2015-present); VIB, Belgium (2011-2016), NAASC (2010-2014), U.S. Society for Developmental Biology (2007-2010)\\
*__Editorial boards:__ Elife (2012-present), Annual reviews in Genetics (2014-present), Journal of Cell Biology (2016-present), PNAS (2019-present)\\
*__Grant review:__ ad hoc reviewer for ERC (Europe), BARD (Israel), BBSRC (UK), SNF (Switzerland), DFG (Germany), NWO (Netherlands), FWO (Belgium), CAS (China), NIH, NSF, DOE, USDA (USA). Czech science Foundation; Austrian Science Fund; Estonian science agency. \\
*__Teaching:__ Supervised 18 PhD students (co-advised 6) and 27 postdocs at Stanford University \\
*__Primary lecturer__ in Bio41 (2006-16) and Bio82 (2017-present), the largest courses in Stanford’s Biology major. Taught modules in CSHL Plant Biology course (2019) and Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics qBio summer school (2019)  Utrecht (NL) Master’s course (2010) and Multi-level Modelling of Morphogenesis EMBO course (2013-15).\\
*__Conference organization:__ GRC Developmental Biology (co-Chair 2017; chair 2019); FASEB Mechanisms in Plant Development, 2015; International Arabidopsis meeting, 2014; Society for Developmental Biology, 2014; CSHA Plant cell and development, 2011; Santa Cruz Developmental Biology conference, 2010\\
*__Seminars and presentations:__ More than 150 seminars including 6 named lectures; 8 conference keynotes; 12 student-invited; 4 with specific focus on mentorship of women or early career researchers.\\ \\