!!Joseph Bergin - Selected publications
#Church, Society and religious change in France 1580-1730 (Yale UP, May 2009), 506 pages (Médaille des Antiquités de France, 2010).\\
#Crown, Church and Episcopate under Louis XIV (Yale UP, 2004), 544 pages. \\
#The Making of the French Episcopate 1589-1661 (Yale UP, 1996), 761 pages.\\
#The Rise of Richelieu (Yale UP 1991, paperback Manchester UP, 1996), 282 pages (French trans. L’Ascension de Richelieu, Payot, 1994). ( Prix Richelieu, 1995)\\
#Cardinal Richelieu: Power and the Pursuit of Wealth (Yale UP 1985), 341 pages (French trans. Pouvoir et fortune de Richelieu, Éditions Robert Laffont, 1987).\\
__Recent articles/papers__\\
#‘Ministériat, ministers and monarchy in seventeenth-century France’, in Power in History (Historical Studies, vol 29), pp 209-230.\\
#‘Three faces of Richelieu: a historiographical essay’, French History, 23 (2009), 517-536.\\
#‘Les évêques du grand siècle devant la mort’, Revue d’Histoire de l’Église de France, 94 (2008), 263-81.\\
#‘Kirche und Geld im vormodernen Europa’, Sinn und Form (Berlin), 60 (2008), 395-410.\\
#‘The King’s confessor and his rivals in 17th century France’, French History, 21 (2007), 187-204.\\
#‘Regulars as bishops: the French church from the concordat of Bologna (1516) to the Revolution’, in Ireland, England and the continent in the Middle Ages and beyond (Dublin, 2006), 254-271.\\
#‘Des indults aux hommes: la monarchie et les églises des provinces conquises sous Louis XIV’, in Pouvoirs, contestations et comportements dans l’Europe moderne (Mélanges Yves-Marie Bercé) Paris, 2005, 327-340.\\
#‘The Place of seminaries and colleges in clerical education in 17th century France: a sketch’, in H Schilling and M-A Gross, eds, Im Spannungsfeld von Staat und Kirche (Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung, Beiheft no 31) (Berlin 2003), 297-311. \\
#‘The Counter-Reformation Church and its Bishops’, Past and Present 165 (1999), 30-73.