!!Ingo Berensmeyer - Curriculum Vitae

*2018 Full professor, University of Munich\\
*2014 DFG research grant for project "British Women Writers, 1945-1960"\\
*2008 - 2018 Full professor of English and American Literature, JLU Giessen, Germany\\
*2008 6-year collaborative research project "Authorship as Cultural Performance", funded by Ghent University, Belgium\\
*2006 - 2008 Associate professor (tenured), Ghent University, Belgium\\
*2009 Visiting professorship, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee\\
*2005 Postdoctoral degree (Habilitation), University of Siegen, Germany\\
*2002 - 2003 Postdoctoral research associate, Irvine, USA\\
*1999 - 2000 Research fellow, Centre for Literary Studies, Berlin\\
*1999 PhD (summa cum laude) in English and American Literature and Comparative Literature, University of Siegen, Germany\\
*1998 Magister (M.A.) in English Language and Literature and Comparative Literature, University of Siegen, Germany\\
*1994 - 1995 University of Galway, Ireland\\ \\