!!Nissim Benvenisty - Publications
H-index: 52,   >11,000 citations,   >170 manuscripts
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__Selected manuscripts from the last 5 years:__\\
Ben-David, U., Nissenbaum J., Benvenisty, N.: \\
New balance in pluripotency: reprogramming with lineage specifiers. \\
Cell 153:939-940 (2013).\\
Ben-David, U., Nudel, N., Benvenisty, N.: \\
Immunologic and chemical targeting of the tight-junction protein Claudin-6 eliminates tumorigenic human pluripotent stem cells. \\
Nature Communications 4:1992. doi: 10.1038/ncomms2992 (2013).\\
Ben-David, U., Gan, QF., Golan-Lev, T., Arora, P., Yanuka, O., Oren, YS., Leikin-Frenkel, A., Graf, M., Garippa, R., Boehringer, M., Gromo, G., Benvenisty, N.: \\
Selective elimination of human pluripotent stem cells by an oleate synthesis inhibitor discovered in a high-throughput screen. \\
Cell Stem Cell 12:167-179 (2013).\\
Stelzer, Y., Sagi, I., Yanuka, O., Eiges, R., Benvenisty, N.: \\
The noncoding RNA IPW regulates the imprinted DLK1-DIO3 locus in an induced pluripotent stem cell model of Prader-Willi syndrome. \\
Nature Genetics 46:551-557 (2014). \\
De Los Angeles, A., Ferrari, F., Xi, R., Fujiwara, Y., Benvenisty, N…. Daley, G.Q.: \\
Hallmarks of pluripotency. \\
Nature 525:469-478 (2015).\\
Avior, Y., Sagi, I., Benvenisty, N.: \\
Pluripotent stem cells in disease modeling and drug discovery. \\
Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 17:170-182 (2016).\\
Sagi, I., Chia, G., Golan-Lev, T., Peretz, M., Weissbein, U., Sui, L., Sauer, M.V., Yanuka, O., Egli. D., Benvenisty, N.: \\
Derivation and differentiation of haploid human embryonic stem cells. \\
Nature 532:107-111 (2016).\\
Sagi, I., Egli, D., Benvenisty, N.: \\
Identification and propagation of haploid human pluripotent stem cells. \\
Nature Protocols 11:2274-2286 (2016).\\
Sagi, I., Benvenisty, N.: \\
Stem cells: Aspiring to naivety. \\
Nature 540:211-212 (2016).\\
Sagi, I., Benvenisty, N.: \\
Haploidy in Humans: An Evolutionary and Developmental Perspective. \\
Developmental Cell 41:581-589 (2017).