!!Liane G. Benning - Curriculum Vitae
__1. Education and Professional Experience__
*2016, 04 – present Professor in Interface Geochemistry,  GFZ Potsdam and Freie Universität Berlin, Germany (joint appointment).\\
*2014, 10 – present Head of Interface Geochemistry Section 4.4, German Research Centre for Geosciences GFZ Potsdam, Germany.\\
*2007, 08 – present Professor in Experimental Biogeochemistry, University of Leeds, UK.\\
*2004-2007 Lecturer and Reader University of Leeds, UK.\\
*1999-2004 University Research Fellow, University of Leeds, UK.\\
*1995-1999 Postdoctoral fellow / Adjunct Assistance Professor \\
*1990-1995 PhD Aqueous Experimental Geochemistry, ETH Zürich, Switzerland, Supervisor: Prof. Terry Seaward \\
*1987 – 1990  Diploma Petrology/ Geochemistry, ETH Zürich, Switzerland, Supervisor: Prof. Volker Trommsdorff\\
*1984 – 1987  Vordiplom Geology/ Mineralogy, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Germany, \\
__2. Awards / Medals / Miscellaneous:__
*2016  Schlumberger Award from The Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland, UK.\\
*2016   Bigsby Medal of the Geological Society of London, UK.\\
*2015 – 2017  President of the European Association of Geochemistry \\
*2014 – present Geochemical Perspectives and Geochemical perspectives Letters, Founding Editor\\
*2011 - present UK NERC (Natural Environmental Research Council)  Peer Review College\\
*2008 – 2015  member of DIAMOND working groups for beamline design (IR, Soft-X-Ray)\\
__3. Publication History  (January 2023)__
*Google Scholar: h-index 64 - https://scholar.google.de/citations?user=bge7RoMAAAAJ&hl=en \\
*Web Of Science: h-index 53 \\
4. Funding History (status 2023)__
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Last 10 years > 24 Million Euro through EU and UK grants as well as through collaborations on international grants\\ \\

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