!!Derrick Bennett - Biography
Derrick Bennett has a Masters in Medical Statistics from the University of Leicester and a PhD from the University of Manchester. Before his current post in Oxford, he held research and teaching positions at Queen’s University Belfast, University of Aberdeen, and University of Auckland, New Zealand. Over the last 15 years, Dr Bennett has developed a national and international portfolio of work in public health and chronic disease epidemiology. His research is interdisciplinary, integrative and collaborative and focused on using large-scale observational studies and randomized trials to generate reliable evidence for prevention of premature deaths and disability from chronic diseases. Since 2015 he has contributed to securing over £20M in competitive grant funding as the statistical lead or as a co-investigator\\
Dr Bennett has more than 200 original publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals, and he has an h-Index of 88 according to Scopus and a h-Index of 102 according to Google Scholar. Dr. Bennett is considered among the Top 0.01% of World Scientists based on Impact by the Web of Science Group-Clarivate Analytics. He is also a member of numerous international scientific societies, Editorial Boards and reviewer for many journals and funding agencies. Dr Bennett is an editorial board member for the journals Heart, BMC Cardiovascular Disorders, and also Associate Editor for Neuroepidemiology.  He is a former editorial board member of the journal Stroke (2016- 2020).\\
Dr Bennett is member of various clinical trial oversight committees (Data Monitoring Committees and Trial Steering Committees) as the independent statistician. Dr Bennett is a member of the UK National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) Public Health Assessment, and a member of the scientific panel of Artificial Intelligence for Multiple Long term conditions. Dr Bennett co-leads the Improving Statistical Literacy section of the NIHR Statistics Group. He is also a Chartered Statistician and a Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society.\\ \\