!!Luca Benini
!Short laudatio by Reinhard Wilhelm
Dr. Luca Benini is one of the leading computer architects in Europe, highly visible in the scientific community and in the research and development labs of industry. His research interests are on computer-aided design of digital integrated systems and circuits, with special emphasis on low-power applications, and on the hardware-software design of energy-efficient ambient intelligence systems. He has made pioneering contributions to the field of run-time power management and policy optimization, on-chip networks and multi-core systems-on-chip modelling and design. 
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He has published more 450 papers in international journals and conferences and four books. He holds one USA Patent. His h-index is more than 60 in Google Scholar and more than 30 in Scopus.
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He is only 43 years old (!) yet has achieved more than the very best achieve in a lifetime.
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