!!Andrea Bender - Curriculum Vitae
*2008 Habilitation & venia legendi in Psychology, U Freiburg, DE\\
*2000 Ph.D. in Cultural Anthropology, U Freiburg, DE\\
*1995 M.A. (Anthropology, Slavistics, Psychology), U Freiburg, DE
*2017 - present Full Professor, Department of Psychosocial Science, U Bergen, NO\\
*2017 - present PI in the CoE Centre for Early Sapiens Behaviour (SapienCE), U Bergen, NO\\
*Since 2021 Executive Editor of Topics in Cognitive Science (topiCS)\\
*Since 2015  Board of the Cognitive Science Programme, U Bergen, NO\\
*2011 - 2016  Governing Board of the Cognitive Science Society, CSS (& 2019-2021 member of several of its committees)\\
*2010 - 2013  Scientific Advisory Board Freiburg Institute for Palaeoscientific Studies, DE\\
*2006 - 2015  Chair of the DGV section Cognitive Anthropology
*for Funding Organizations: ANR (FR), Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT), DFG (DE), ERC, MPG (DE), NSF (US)\\
*Editorial boards: Topics in Cognitive Science; Journal of Numerical Cognition; Language Dynamics and Change; Frontiers in Psychology\\
*External evaluator: Duquesne U, Pittsburgh, US (tenure, 2016); School of Archaeology, U Oxford, UK (Ph.D., 2016); U Luneburg, DE (professor appointment, 2015); Copenhagen Business School, DK (professor appointment, 2013); MPI Psycholinguistics & Radboud U Nijmegen, NL (Ph.D., 2013)\\
*Invited peer review for scientific conferences (program committee for CogSci since 2015), journals (including Cognition; Cognitive Linguistics; Cognitive Psychology; Cognitive Science; Current Anthropology; Evolution & Human Behavior; J of Experimental Psychology; J of the Royal Anthropological Institute; Philosophical Transactions B; Psychological Bulletin; Psychological Science; Quaternary International; Trends in Cognitive Sciences), and publishers across disciplines\\
*Associate of Behavioral and Brain Sciences\\

[Full publication List|https://www.uib.no/en/persons/Andrea.Bender#uib-tabs-publications]\\ \\