!!Jay Belsky - Recent Publications

Belsky, J. (in press). War, Trauma and Children’s Development: Observations from a Modern Evolutionary Perspective. ''International Journal of Behavioral Development''.
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Belsky, J., & Fearon, R.M.P. (in press). Precursors of Attachment Security. In J. Cassidy & P. Shaver (Eds.), ''Handbook of Attachment Theory and Research.'' 2nd Ed. New York: Guilford.
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Bradley, R.H., Houts, R., Nader, P., O’Brien, M.O., Belsky, J., & Crosnoe, R. (in press). The Relationship of Body Mass Index and Behavior in Children. ''Journal of Pediatrics''.
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Anning, A., Ball, M., Belsky, J., & Melhuish, E. (in press). Exploring Links Between the Processes and Impact of Sure Start Local Programmes: Multi-Agency Team Work as an Exemplar. ''Children and Society''.
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NICHD Early Child Care Research Network (in press). The Relations of Classroom Contexts in the Early Elementary Years to Children’s Classroom and Social Behavior. In A. Huston & M. Ripke (Eds.), ''Middle Childhood: Contexts of Development''. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
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NICHD Early Child Care Research Network (in press). Mothers’ and Fathers’ Support for Child Autonomy and Early School Achievement. ''Developmental Psychology''.
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NICHD Early Child Care Research Network (in press). Social Competence with Peers in Third Grade: Associations with Earlier Peer Experiences in Child Care. ''Social Development''.
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NESS Research Team (in press). Evaluating a National Intervention Programmed for Disadvantaged Young Children: The Sure Start Local Programmes in England. European Journal of Developmental Psychology,1, [[Reprinted in M. Junger, R. Tremblay, W. Koops, B. Prinsen & H. Jonkman (Eds.), ''Early interventions to prevent conduct disorders: Opportunities and problems''. London: Psychology Press.]
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Pianta, R. & The NICHD Early Child Care Research Network (in press). Developmental Science and Education: The NICHD Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development Findings from Elementary School. In R. Kail (Ed.), ''Advances in Child Development and Behavior''. NY: Elseveir.
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Bell, B.G., & Belsky, J. (2008). Parents, Parenting and Children's Sleep Problems: Exploring Reciprocal Effects. ''British Journal of Developmental Psychology'', 4, 579-593.
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Belsky, J. (2008). Classroom Composition, Child-Care History and Social Development: Are Child-Care Effects Disappearing or Spreading? ''Social Development'', 18, 230-238.
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Belsky, J. (2008). Origins of Attachment Security: Differential Susceptibility or Genetic Vulnerability? Attachment: Current Focus and Future Directions. ''ACAMH Occasional Papers Series, Number 29''. London: ACAMH.
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Belsky, J. (2008). Quality, Quantity and Type of Child Care: Effects on Child Development in the USA. In G. Bentley & R. Mace (Eds.), ''Substitute parenting: Alloparenting in human societies''. London, UK: Berghahn Books.
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Belsky, J. (2008). The Transition to Parenthood. In H.T. Reis & S.K. Sprecher (Eds.), ''Encyclopedia of Human Relationships''. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
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Belsky, J., & Fearon, R.M.P. (2008). Precursors of Attachment Security. In J. Cassidy & P. Shaver (Eds.), ''Handbook of Attachment Theory and Research'', 2nd Ed. New York: Guilford.
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Belsky, J. & Melhuish, E. (2008). Early Intervention for Young Children and their Families in England: The Sure Start Journey Over the Last Decade. In U. Von der Leyen & V. Spidla (Eds.) ''Voneinander lernen - miteinander handeln: Aufgaben und Perspektiven der Europdischen Allianz für Familien (Shared experience, concerted action: Ideas and perspectives in the European Alliance for Families)''. Baden-Baden Germany, Nomos-Verlag.
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Belsky, J. & Pluess, M. (2008). The Nature (and Nurture?) of Plasticity in Early Human Development. ''Perspectives in Psychological Science''.
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Bradley, R.H., Nader, P., O’Brien, M., Houts, R., Belsky, J., Crosnoe, R., & The NICHD Early Child Care Research Network (2008). Adiposity and Internalizing Problems: Infancy through Middle Childhood. In D. Davies & H. Fitzgerald (Eds.) ''Obesity in America, Vol. 2, Understanding Development and Prevention'' (pp. 73-92). Westport, CT: Praeger Press.
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Cohen, D., & Belsky, J. (2008). Avoidant Romantic Attachment and Female Orgasm: Testing An Emotion-Regulation Hypothesis. ''Attachment and Human Development'', 10, 413-422.
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Cohen, D., & Belsky, J. (2008).  Individual Differences in Female Mate Preferences as a Function of  Attachment and Hypothetical Ecological Conditions.  ''Journal of Evolutionary Psychology'', 6, 25-42.
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Johns, S.E. & Belsky, J. (2008). Life Transitions: Becoming a Parent. In C. Salmon & T. Shackelford (Eds.). ''Family Relationships: An Evolutionary Perspective'' (pp. 71-90). London: Oxford University Press.
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Pluess, M., & Belsky, J. (2008). Differential Susceptibility to Rearing Experience: The Case of Childcare. ''Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry''.
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Simpson, J. & Belsky, J. (2008). Attachment Theory within a Modern Evolutionary Framework. In J. Cassidy & P. Shaver (Eds.), ''Handbook of Attachment Theory and Research'', 2nd Ed. New York: Guilford.
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Belsky, J., Bakermans-Kranenburg, M., & van Ijzendoorn, M. (2007). For Better and For Worse: Differential Susceptibiilty to Environmental Influences. ''Current Directions in Psychological Science'', 16, 305-309.
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Belsky, J., Steinberg, L., Houts, R., Friedman, S.L., DeHart, G., Cauffman, E., Roisman, G.I., Halpern-Felsher, B., Susman, E. & The NICHD Early Child Care Research Network (2007). ''Family Rearing Antecedents of Pubertal Timing. Child Development''. 78, 1302-1321.
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Belsky, J., Fearon, R.M.P., &  Bell, B. (2007). Parenting, Attention and Externalizing Problems: Testing Mediation Longitudinally, Repeatedly and Reciprocally. ''Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry'', 48, 1233-1242.
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Belsky, J.  (2007). Childhood Experiences and Reproductive Strategies.  In R. Dunbar & L. Barrett (Eds.), ''Oxford Handbook of evolutionary psychology'' (pp. 237-254)  Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
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Belsky, J., Barnes, J., & Melhuish, E. (Eds.). (2007). ''The National Evaluation of Sure Start: Does Area-based Early Intervention Work?'' Bristol, UK: The Policy Press.
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Belsky, J. &  Melhuish, E. (2007). Impact on Sure Start Local Programmes on Children and Families In J. Belsky, J. Barnes, & E. Melhuish, E. (Eds.). ''The National Evaluation of Sure Start: Does Area-based Early Intervention Work?'' (pp. 133-154). Bristol, UK: The Policy Press.
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Dmitrieva, J., Steinberg, L., & Belsky, J. (2007). Child-Care History, Classroom Composition and Children’s Functioning in Kindergarten. ''Psychological Science'', 18, 1032-1039.
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Melhuish, E., Belsky, J., Ball, M. & Anning, A. (2007). Programme Variation and Impact on Children and Families. In J. Belsky. J. Barnes, & E. Melhuish, E. (Eds.). ''The National Evaluation of Sure Start: Does Area-based Early Intervention Work?'' (pp. 155-172). Bristol, UK: The Policy Press.
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Pianta, R., Belsky, J., Houts, R., Morrison, F. and The NICHD Early Childhood Research Network (2007). Opportunities to Learn in America’s School. ''Science'', 315, 1795-1796.
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Belsky, J., Vandell, D. Burchinal, M. Clarke-Stewart, K.A., McCartney, K., Owen, M. & The NICHD Early Child Care Research Network (2007). Are There Long-term Effects of Early Child Care? ''Child Development'', 78, 681-701.
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Roisman, G.I., & Fraley, R.C., & Belsky, J.  (2007). A Taxometric Study of the Adult Attachment Interview. ''Developmental Psychology'', 43, 675-686.
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Bell, B.G. & Belsky, J. (2007). Parenting and Children's Cardiovascular Functioning. Child: ''Care, Health & Development'', 34, 2, 194-203.
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O’Brien, M., Nader, P.R., Houts, R., Bradley, R., Friedman, S.L., Belsky, J., Susman, E., & the NICHD Early Child Care Research Network (2007). The Ecology of Childhood Overweight: A 12-Year Longitudinal Analysis. International Journal of Obesity. [http://www.nature.com/doifinder/10.1038/sj.ijo.0803611] on 03/04/07 doi: 10.1038/sj.ijo.0803611
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Melhuish, E., Belsky, J., Anning, A., Ball, M., Barnes, J., Romaniuk, H., Leyland, A., & The NESS Research Team. (2007). Variation in Community Intervention Programmes and Consequences for Children and Families: The Example of Sure Start Local Programmes. ''Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry'', 48, 543-551.
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Bornstein, M.H., Hahn, C., Hayns, O., Belsky, J., Azuma, H., Maital, S., Painter, K., Pascual, L., Toda, S., Varron, C., Venuti, P., Vyt, A., de Galperin C. (2007). Maternal Personality and Parenting Cognitions in Cross-Cultural Perspective. ''International Journal of Behavioral Development'', 31, 193-209.
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Belsky, J. (2007). Experience in Childhood and the Development of Reproductive Strategies. ''Acta Psycholigica Sinica'', 39, 454-468.
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Belsky, J., Bell, B., Bradley, R. & Stewart-Brown, S. (2007). Socioeconomic Risk, Parenting During the Preschool Years and Child Health at Age 6 Years. ''European Journal of Public Health''. doi:10.1093/eurpub/ckl261 
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Reid, V.M., Csibra, G., Belsky, J., & Johsnson, M.H. (2007). Neural correlates of the perception of goal-directed action in infants. ''Acta Psychologica'', 124, 129-138.
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NICHD Early Child Care Research Network (2007). Age of Entry to Kindergarten and Children’s Academic Achievement and Socioemotional Development. ''Early Education & Development'', 18, 337-368.
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Belsky, J. (2007). Recent Child Care Findings. ''Pediatrics for Parents'', 23, 2-4.
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Little, A., Cohen, D., Jones, B. & Belsky, J. (2007). Variable Preferences for Facial-Sexual Dimorphism According to Temporal Context and Environmental Risk in Humans (Homo Sapiens). ''Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology'', 6, 967-973.
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Anning, A., Ball, M., Belsky, J., & Melhuish, E. (2007). Predicting impact in an early years intervention: the design of a tool using qualitative and quantitative methods. ''Journal of Children's Services'', 2, 27-42.
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Belsky, J. (2006). Effects of Child Care on Child Development in the USA. In J.J. van Kuyk (Ed.), ''The Quality of Early Childhood Education'' (pp. 23-32). Arnheim, The Netherlands: Cito.
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NICHD Early Child Care Research Network (2006). Child Care Effect Sizes for the NICHD Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development. ''American Psychologist'', 61, 99-116.
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Nader, P.R., O’Brien, M., Houts, R., Bradley, R., Belsky, J., Crosnoe, R., Friedman, S., Mei, Z., Susman, E. & the NICHD Early Child Care Research Network (2006). Identifying Risk for Obesity in Early Childhood. ''Pediatrics'', 118, e594-e601.
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Belsky, J., Melhuish, E., Barnes, J., Leyland, A.H., Romaniuk, H., & the NESS Research Team. (2006). Effects of Sure Start Local Programmes on Children and Families: Early Findings From a Quasi-experimental, Cross-sectional Study. BMJ, 332, 1476-1578 (formerly The British Medical Journal; also published at BMJonline: [http://bmj.com/cgi/doi/10.1136/bmj.38853.451748.2F]).
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Schwebel, D., & Brezausek, C., & Belsky, J. (2006) Does Time Spent in Child Care Influence Risk for Unintentional Injury. ''Journal of Pediatric Psychology'', 31, 184-193.
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Belsky, J. & Jaffee, S. (2006). The Multiple Determinants of Parenting. In D. Cicchetti & D. Cohen (Eds.), ''Developmental Psychopathology'', 2nd Ed., Vol. 3: Risk, disorder and adaptation (pp. 38-85). NY: Wiley.
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Belsky, J. (2006). Early child care and early child development: Major findings from the NICHD Study of Early Child Care. ''European Journal of Developmental Psychology'', 3, 95-110.
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NICHD Early Child Care Research Network (2006). Infant-Mother Attachment Classification: Risk and Protection in Relation to Changing Maternal Caregiving Quality Over Time. ''Developmental Psychology'', 42, 38-58.
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Barnes, J., Belsky, J., Broomfield, K., Melhuish, E., & the NESS Research Team. (2006). Neighbourhood Deprivation, School Disorder and Academic Achievement in Primary Schools in Deprived Communities in England. ''International Journal of Behavioural Development'', 30, 127-136.
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Jaffee, S., Belsky, J., Sligo, J., Harington, H., Caspi, A. & Moffitt, T. (2006).  When parents have a history of conduct disorder how is the caregiving environment affected? ''Journal of Abnormal Psychology'', 115, 309-319.
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''Last updated: 12.2.2010''