!!Joerg Baten - Selected Publications
"A History of the Global Economy: 1500 to the Present" (ed.) (2016), Cambridge Univ. Press: Cambridge. [[a volume widely used in teaching and research. Has also impact on the general public, for example more than 100 citations in Wikipedia articles]\\
"How Was Life? Global Well-being since 1820" with J. L. van Zanden, M. Mira d’Hercole, A. Rijpma, C. Smith and M. Timmer (2014), OECD: Paris. [[a volume that was discussed in more than 50 newspapers in more than 30 countries].\\
“Geography, Land Inequality and Regional Numeracy in Europe in Historical Perspective" with R. Hippe. in Journal of Economic Growth (2017), DOI 10.1007/s10887-017-9151-1, 1-31.\\
“Institutional Quality, Cash-Crop Farming, Colonialism and Early Numeracy Development in West Africa, 18th to early 20th Century” with G. Cappelli, in Journal of Economic History 77-3 (2017), 920-951.\\
"Does inequality lead to civil wars? A global long-term study using anthropometric indicators (1816–1999)" with C. Mumme, in European Journal of Political Economy 32 (2014), 56-79. [[received also substantial general media attention]\\
Quantifying quantitative literacy: age heaping and the history of human capital" with B. A'Hearn and D. Crayen in the Journal of Economic History  69-3 (2009), 783-808. [[has 174 google scholar citations, Dec 2017]\\
"Book production and the onset of modern economic growth" with J. L. van Zanden in the Journal of Economic Growth 13-3 (2008),217-235 . [[has 161 google scholar citations, Dec 2017] \\
"The biological standard of living in Europe during the last two millennia." with N. Koepke (2005)  [[top 2 of the most cited articles in the European Review of Economic History 9.1 (2005), 61-95 [[145 google scholar-citations, Dec 2017] \\
“Numeracy and the Impact of High Food Prices in Industrializing Britain, 1780-1850”, with D. Crayen and H.-J. Voth in the Review of Economics and Statistics 96-3 (2014), 418-430. [[published in a top-10 economics journal]\\
"Looking backward and looking forward: anthropometric research and the development of social science history" with J. Komlos in Social Science History 28-2 (2004): 191-210 [[has 124 google scholar citations, Dec 2017]