!!Mario Jorge Barroca - Curriculum Vitae

*Graduation in History - History of Art and Archaeology, by   Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto (FLUP), in 1982 \\
*PhD in Pre-History and Archaeology by FLUP in 1996 (Unanimous Distinction cum Laude).\\
*Aggregation in 2007. \\
*Professor at FLUP since 1983. \\
*Full Professor of FLUP since 2014. Department of Heritage Studies member\\
*Teaching and research in the area of Portuguese Medieval Archaeology\\
*Member of the Scientific Council of FLUP (2014-2018 and 2018 - )\\
*Currently Vice-Dean of FLUP (2019 - ).\\
*Director of the BA in Archaeology between 2014 and 2019\\
*Vice-President of the Scientific Council of FLUP between 2004 and 2010\\
*Coordinator of  CITCEM research group “Territories and Landscapes” \\
*Editor of PORTVGALIA, the journal of Archaeology of FLUP, since January 1999 (vol. 19-20, of 1998-99) (ISSN 0871-4290; EISSN 2183-3516). The journal, with peer review, is indexed in Latindex, in ERIH-Plus (European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences), in DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), in Fonte Academica (Academic Research Complete - EBSCO Information Series) and in DIALNET-Plus\\
*General Coordinator – together with Lúcia Maria Cardoso Rosas and Maria Leonor Botelho – of the 3 volumes of the Encyclopaedia of Romanesque dedicated to Portugal (publisher: Santa Maria la Real Foundation, Aguilar de Campoo, Spain)\\
*Responsible for the creation of a database, inventory and cartography of the Rock Cut Graves in the North of Portugal and the Douro Valley (2018-2019).\\
*Responsible for the production of the scientific contents of several interpretive centers, namely\\
**Interpretive Center of the Castle of Soure (2019 - )\\
**Interpretive Center of the Monastery of Arouca (2018-2019)\\
**Interpretive Center of the Castle of Guimarães (2016) (with Luís Carlos Amaral)\\
**Medieval Nucleus of the Interpretive Center of Military History, Ponte de Lima (2016)\\
**Interpretive Center of the Battle of Aljubarrota (CIBA) (2002-2008)\\ \\