!!Frédéric Barras - Curriculum Vitae
__127 publications:__ 93 research articles, 26 review articles and 8 book chapters\\
> 100 seminars and invited conferences\\
h-number: 47,  average citation: 55, nombre de citations sans auto-citation:  5500 (02/2022)\\
*1992:  HDR, University Aix Marseille II\\
*1984:  PhD, Cellular  and Molecular Biology,  University Aix Marseille II
*Since 2019 Head of the Department of Microbiology,  Institut Pasteur\\
*2018  Professor, Institut Pasteur, Head of the Unit ""Adaptation au stress et Métabolisme chez les entérobactéries"\\
*2004 - 2017 Research Director of the CNRS UMR Laboratory of Bacterial Chemistry, Marseille\\
*2007 - 2017 Full Professor Aix-Marseille University
__Teaching responsibilities:__
*Since 1995  Full Professor at University Aix Marseille, Responsable of the Master Microbiology \\
*Since 2018 2-4h/year teaching at the Institut Pasteur\\
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17 PhD  students and 15 postdocs\\
Member of the scientific council in selecting committees at the CNRS, National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA), National Alliance for Life and Health Sciences (AVISEAN) , etc.\\
Associate Editor of  Journal of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology (since 1999),  µLife (since 2020)\\ \\