!!!Arturo Azcorra Saloña
[{Image src='Azcorra_Salona_Arturo 2016 EUCNC (4)_small.jpg'  alt='Arturo Azcorra Saloña' height='200'}]

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__Present and Previous Positions__
* 2006, 10 - present Director of IMDEA Networks Institute, Spain (on leave 2009, 10 - 2012, 06)
* 1999, 04 - present Full Professor at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain (on leave 2009,10 - 2012, 02)
* 2010, 05 - 2012, 02 Director General of  Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI), Spain 
* 2009, 10 - 2010, 05 Director General for Technology Transfer and Corporate Development, Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain
* 2000, 06 - 2007, 06 Deputy Vicerector of Academic Infrastructures at U. Carlos III
* 1998, 02 - 1999, 04  Associate Professor at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
* 1987, 10 - 1998, 02  Associate Professor at Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain
* 1987, 06 - 1987, 10  Project Researcher, ESPRIT EU Program, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
* 2005, 05 - Elected Chairman of the Expert Advisory Board of the European Technology Platform (ETP) Networld2020. The participants in the election where the ~1,000 member institutions of Networld2020 that include the leading universities, industries and SMEs in the computer networks area in Europe (see [http://www.networld2020.eu/our-members]). He still holds this prestigious position at present date
* 2002 - Special University award for extraordinary merits, awarded by Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
* 1990 - National prize for the best PhD in Telecommunications, Jointly awarded by the Professional Association of Telecommunications Engineers (AEIT), the Official Board of Telecommunications Engineers (COIT) and the National Association of Electronic Industries (ANIEL)
* 1986 - National prize to the best student graduating in Telecommunications Engineering awarded by Price-Waterhouse

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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Azcorra_Saloña_Arturo/CV]
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[Publication list|User/Azcorra_Saloña_Arturo/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Azcorra_Saloña_Arturo/Highlight]
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[Other information|User/Azcorra_Saloña_Arturo/OtherInformation]

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