!!Eva-Mari Aro - Biography
Eva-Mari Aro is a research director and professor (emerita) of Molecular Plant Biology in the Department of Life Technologies at the University of Turku, Finland. She was honoured as Academician of Science in 2017 and Commander First Class of the Order of the Lion of Finland in 2019. In 2018 Aro was elected as foreign fellow to the US National Academy of Sciences (NAS). She is also a member of the Finnish Technical Sciences Academy (2012) and the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters (2002). Aro is an honorary doctor of University of Helsinki (2014), Umeå University (2012) and an honorary professor of the Chinese Academy of Science (2006). Aro has published over 350 peer reviewed scientific papers, mostly on biophysics, biochemistry and molecular biology of the photosynthetic apparatus, on acclimation of cyanobacteria and plants to environmental changes, and on applying photosynthetic principles towards production of sustainable fuels and chemicals in cyanobacteria cell factories. Aro currently chairs a project “Opportunities of Finnish Molecular Photosynthesis Research”, co-chairs a Nordic CoE project “NordAqua” (2017 - 2022) and is a foreign partner of an Australian CoE (ARC) on Plant Energy Biology. Aro chaired (2008 - 2019) two different 6-year Academy of Finland Centres of Excellence (AFCoE) and was awarded an Academy of Finland Professorship for years 1998 - 2008 and 2014 - 2019. Aro has had many research- and science policy-related national and international duties of trust, including The European Academies of Sciences Advisory Council (EASAC, 2014 - 2019) as a Program Committee member, a board member and a vice-president; The Finnish Academy of Science and Letters (2010 - 2015) as a board member, vice president and president; The International Society of Photosynthesis Research (2004 - 2010) as a board member, president and past president. \\
Citations 15 707; H-index 74; Highly Cited Researcher 2017, 2018, 2020 by Clarivate Analytics\\ \\