!!Polly Arnold - Curriculum Vitae
Fundamental studies of f-block bonding through exploratory synthetic chemistry. Resulting contributions to catalysis and the science underpinning critical element and nuclear waste management.\\
*2013 Crum Brown Chair of Chemistry, University of Edinburgh\\
*2009 - 2014 EPSRC Leadership Research Fellow and Personal Chair, Edinburgh\\
*2007 - 2009 EaStCHEM Reader, Edinburgh\\
*1999 - 2007 Lecturer, University of Nottingham\\
*1997 - 1998 Fulbright PDRA Scholar, MIT, Cambridge, USA
*FRS 2018, Fellowship of the Royal Society\\
*OBE 2017, for services to chemistry and women in STEM, the Queens’s birthday honours\\
*ERC Advanced Research Grant, 2017 - 2021\\
*FRSE 2012, Fellow, Royal Society of Edinburgh\\
*FRSC 2012, Fellow, Royal Society of Chemistry\\
*Hans Fischer Senior Fellowship, 2012. Institute of Advanced Scholars, TU Munich, Germany\\
*EPSRC Leadership Fellowship, 2009 - 2014\\
*EPSRC Advanced Fellowship, 2000 - 2005
*Board member, Edinburgh Science Festival\\
*Board Chair, Inclusion and Diversity Committee, RSC. Council Trustee, Royal Society of Chemistry\\
*Equality and Diversity leadership through [http://www.chemicalimbalance.ed.ac.uk]. Work with EPSRC, IoP, and societies in France, Germany, Canada, US\\
*Editorial Boards: Inorganic Syntheses (Wiley); Royal Society Phil. Trans. A.\\
*Review panels: EPSRC College (6 x panel chair/member), Royal Society (DH fellowships), ERC (Consolidator), US and French National Labs (LANL, Berkeley, Saclay, Marcoule)
PhD ADVISOR 25 PhD graduates, 8 current.\\
PDRA 13 PDRAs, 5 current.\\
MENTORSHIP 3 UK, 1 German lecturers.\\
*ISNSC 10, Germany ‘18\\
*Girona Seminar, Italy ‘18\\
*ISySyCat, Portugal ’17\\
*ICFE 8, Italy ’12\\
*ICCC, Australia ’10\\
*VHM09, France ‘09
__MAJOR PUBLICATIONS (146 total, h-index 48)__
*1 Nature (+ 2 commentary articles)\\
*4 Nature Chem. (+ 3 commentaries)\\
*14 J. Am. Chem. Soc.\\
*9 Angew. Chem.\\
*5 Chem. Sci.\\
*3 Chem. Rev.\\ \\