!!Catia Antunes - Publications
Inaugural Address as Full Professor at Leiden University\\
Cátia Antunes, 'Cutting Corners: When Borders, Culture and Empire do not Matter), June 2017.\\
__Books (selection last 5 years):__\\
1)  Cátia Antunes & Amélia Polónia (eds.), Beyond Empires: Global, Self-Organizing, Cross-Imperial Networks, 1500-1800 (Leiden: Brill, 2016)\\
2) Cátia Antunes & Karwan Fatah-Black (eds.), Explorations in History and Globalization (London: Routledge, 2016).\\
3) Cátia Antunes & Jos Gommans (eds.), Exploring the Dutch Empire. Agents, Networks and Institutions, 1600-2000 (London: Bloomsbury, 2015)\\
4) Francesca Trivellato, Leor Halevi & Cátia Antunes (eds.), Religion and Trade: Cross-Cultural Exchanges in World HIstory, 1000-1900 (New York: Oxford University Press), 2014.\\
__Articles (selection ast 5 years):__\\
1) Catia Antunes, 'From Binary Narratives to Diversified Tales: Changing the Paradigm in the Study of Dutch Colonial Participation', Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis, 131-3 (2018), 393-408\\
2) Catia Antunes & Filipa Ribeiro da Silva, 'Windows of Global Exchange: Dutch Ports and the Slave Trade, 1600-1800', International Journal of Maritime History, 30-3 (2018), 422-441.\\
3) Catia Antunes, Rob Post & Joao Paulo Salvado, 'Het omzeilen van monopolie handel: smokkel en belastingontduiking bij de handel in braziliehout, 1500-1674', Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis/Journal of Social and Economic HIstory of the Low Countries, 13-1 (2016), 23-52.\\
4) Catia Antunes, 'Failing Institutions: the Dutch in Portugal and the Tale of a Sixteenth-Century Firm', Storia Economica, 32-2 (2015), 331-347.\\
5) Catia Antunes & Jessica Roitman, 'A War of Words: Sephardi Merchants, (Inter)national Incidents, and Litigation in the Dutch Republic, 1580-1640', Journal of Jewish Culture and History, 12 (2015), 1-23.\\
6) Catia Antunes, 'Keeping Up Appearances: Using and Abusing Identities in the Low Countries - The Portuguese Nation of Amsterdam', Revue du Nord, 30 (2014), 179-190.\\
__Chapters in books (selection last 5 years):__\\
1) Catia Antunes, Elisabeth Heijmans & Julie Svalastog, 'Essai de comparison des companies neerlandaise, anglaise et francaise traitant sur la cote occidentale de l'Afrique au XVIIe siecle', E. Roulet (ed.), Les premieres compagnies dans l'Atlantique, 1600-1650, vol. 1: Structures et modes de fonctionnement, Aachen: Shaker Verlag, 2017, 161-187.\\
2) Catia Antunes, 'On Cosmopolitanism and Cross-Culturalism: An Enquiry into the Business Practices and Multiple Identities of the Portuguese Merchants of Amsterdam', Francisco Bethencourt (ed.), Cosmopolitanism in the Portuguese Speaking World, Leiden: Brill, 2017, 23-39.\\
3) Catia Antunes, 'Les debuts de l'Histoire Maritime Modern': passe, present et avenir', La maritimisation du monde de la préhistoire a nos jours. Enjeux, objects et methods, Paris-PUPS, 2016, 1-13.\\
4) Catia Antunes, Erik Odegard and Joris van den Tol, 'Dutch Brazil: Networks and Entanglements of a Colonial Dream', Catia Antunes & Jos Gommans (eds.), Exploring the Dutch Empire. Agents, Networks and Institutions, 1600-2000 (London: Bloomsbury, 2015), 373-400.\\
5) Catia Antunes, 'Cross-Cultural Business Cooperation in the Dutch Trading World, 1580-1776. A view from Amsterdam's Notarial Contracts', Francesca Trivellato, Leor Halevi & Cátia Antunes (eds.), Religion and Trade: Cross-Cultural Exchanges in World HIstory, 1000-1900 (New York: Oxford University Press), 2014, 150-168.\\
6) Catia Antunes & Filipa Ribeiro da Silva, 'Perfil Socio-Economico da Inquisicao de Lisbona: as escolhas de uma instituticao', Edilece Couto & Marco da Silva Nunes (eds.), A Inquisicao Portuguesa: o perfil de uma instituicao, Recife: Publicacoes EDUFBA, 128-145.