!!Masha Antokolskaia - Selected Publications

1. M.V. Antokolskaia, ‘Dissolution of marriage in westernized countries’ in: J. Eekelaar, R. George (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Family Law and Policy, Routledge International Handbook Series, Routledge International Handbook Series, 1st ed. 2014, 73-96, 2nd ed. to be published in 2020 [[One of the most prestigious handbooks in the field of family law]\\
2. M.V. Antokolskaia, C.G. Jeppesen de Boer, G.C.A.M. Ruitenberg, W.M. Schrama, I. van der Valk, P. Vrolijk Naleving van contact-/omgangsafspraken na scheiding: Een rechtsvergelijkend en sociaalwetenschappelijk perspectief, Boom Jur. Uitgevers, 2019 [[High-impact legal-comparative-empirical research report commissioned by the Dutch Ministery of Justice, that has led to significant policy change in the field of post-divorce parenting]\\
3. M.V. Antokolskaia, C.J.W. van den Berg, L.M. Coenraad, J. Kaljee, R. Roorda, M. Tomassen-van der Lans, C.C.J.H. Bijleveld, C. Finkenauer, G. de Groot, M. Dirkse, T. Schellevis en M.C. Sijtsema Evaluatie pilot preventie vechtscheiding en pilot regierechter echtscheidingen, Wetenschappelijk rapport in opdracht van de Raad voor de Rechtspraak, RvR, 2017. [[High-impact legal- empirical research report commissioned by the Dutch Council of Judiciary, that has resulted in significant adjustments of the new judicial initiatives in the field of adjudicating high-conflict divorce]\\
4. M.V. Antokolskaia, ‘Parenting in step-parent families: legal status versus de facto roles’, Child and Family Law Quarterly, 2015, p. 271-284.\\
5. M.V. Antokolskaia, ‘Divorce Law From a European Perspective’, in: J. Scherpe (ed.) Research Handbook on European Family Law, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2015, p. 41-82. [[One of the most influential handbooks in the field of family law]\\
6. M.V. Antokolskaia,‘Legal embedding planned lesbian parentage: Pouring new wine into old wineskins?’ Family&Law 2014, DOI: 10.5553/FenR/000003. www.familieenrecht.nl/tijdschrift/fenr/2014.\\
7. M.V. Antokolskaia, W.M. Schrama, K.R.S.D. Boele-Woelki, C.C.J.H. Bijleveld, C.G. Jeppesen de Boer, G. van Rossum, Meeroudergezag: een oplossing voor kinderen met meer dan twee ouders? Een empirisch en rechtsvergelijkend onderzoek, Den Haag, 2014 WODC, Ministerie van Veiligheid & Justitie, 2014, 246 p. [[High-impact legal-comparative-empirical research report commissioned by the Dutch Ministery of Justice, that has led to establishing State Commission on Rethinking Filiation Law]\\
8. M.V. Antokolskaia, ‘Child Maintenance in Shared Residence Arrangements from a Comparative Perspective: Care Instead of Money?’ in: H.  Fulchiron (ed), Solidarity Between Generation, Bruxelles, Editions Bruylant, 2013, p. 299-313. \\
9. M.V. Antokolskaia, Family Law, Jurist, Moscow, 1st edition - 1996, 2nd edition - 1999, 3rd edition -2010 (in Russian) [[Handbook on Russian Family, providing several generations of Russian law students and graduated lawyers with the possibility to view Russian family law from the perspective of the recent Western trends.] \\
10. M.V. Antokolskaia, ‘Harmonisation of Family Law in Europe A Historical Perspective. A Tale of Two Millennia, Intersentia, Antwerp, 2006, 564 p. [[A monograph and magnus opus of the candidate, discussing the main developments of the Family law in Europe during two millennia, from comparative, philosophical and meta-historical perspectives. Attracted worldwide various positive reviews, and numerous citations.]