!!Ethem Alpaydin - Selected Publications
__Book: (sole author)__\\
Introduction to Machine Learning," The MIT Press, 4 editions in 2004, 2009, 2014, and 2020. Translated into German, Chinese, Turkish; reprinted in India. 12200 citations on Google Scholar. Textbook at the senior-undergraduate/graduate level in many institutions worldwide.\\
__Book: (sole author)__ \\
"Machine Learning," The MIT Press, 2 editions in 2016 and 2021. Translated into Japanese, Korean, Russian, Turkish, Taiwanese, Croatian, Finnish. As part of the Essential Knowledge Series, intended for the general audience.\\
E.  Alpaydin (sole author) "Voting over multiple condensed nearest neighbors",  Lazy Learning, 115-132 , 1997 (178 citations)\\
E. Alpaydin (sole author)  "Combined 5× 2 cv F test for comparing supervised classification learning algorithms," Neural Computation 11 (8), 1885-1892, 1998. (500+ citations on Google Scholar.)\\
E Mayoraz, E Alpaydin "Support vector machines for multi-class classification", International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, 833-842, 1999 (250 citations)\\
E Alpaydin, C Kaynak "Cascading classifiers" Kybernetika 34 (4), 369-374, 1998 (195 citations)\\
M Gönen, E Alpaydin "Localized multiple kernel learning" Proc. 25th international conference on Machine learning, 352-359, 2008\\
(363 citations)\\
AA Salah, E Alpaydin, L Akarun "A selective attention-based method for visual pattern recognition with application to handwritten digit recognition and face recognition",  IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 24 (3), 420-425, 2008 (183 citations)\\
A Baraldi, E Alpaydin "Constructive feedforward ART clustering networks. IEEE Trans. Neural Networks 13 (3), 645-661 (111 citations)\\
__Article:__ (with PhD student M Gönen), "Multiple kernel learning algorithms,"  The Journal of Machine Learning Research 12, 2211-2268, 2011. 2000+ citations on Google Scholar\\
40 journal and 47 conference papers, earliest in 1989.\\
20500+ citations on Google scholar with h-index of 41.\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit ealpaydin}][{ALLOW upload ealpaydin}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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