!!Dag Lorents Aksnes - Curriculum Vitae
Present position: Professor (since 1992), University of Bergen \\
Academic degree: Dr. scient. (Ph.d. equivalent) 1986 \\
Member of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters\\
Field of research: Biological Oceanography and Marine Ecosystems \\
Publications in international referee journals: 94   \\
Citations: 5200, h-index: 36 \\
Teaching and supervision: Undergraduate and graduate courses in general ecology, marine and systems ecology, biological oceanography and modeling. \\
Supervisor for graduated cand. scient/master degree: 23, graduated dr. scient./PhD: 17 \\
__Scientific leadership, research policy, and administration__
*Dean (2001-2005) and vice dean (1999-2001) of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Univ. of Bergen. \\
*Chairman of the board of the Norwegian research program “Marine Resources and Environment” (1998-2000).\\
*Chairman of the board of the research institute “Nansen Center for Environmental and Remote Sensing” (2006-2008) \\
*Chairman of the board of the research institute “Uni Research Ltd” (2007-2011)\\
*Chairman of the board of the “Sars Centre for Molecular Marine Biology” (2015 -)\\
*Member of the board of the University of Bergen (2005-2009)\\
*Member of the board of the Division of Science, Research Council of Norway (2007-2015)\\
*Member of the Scientific Steering Committee IGBP-GLOBEC (1996 - 1997).\\
*Member of the board of Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP) (2008 - 2010)\\
*Member of the board of the Department of Biosciences, University of Oslo (2013 - )\\
*PIs of  > 10 externally funded projects (EU and Norwegian Research Council) exceeding 1 mill NOK. \\
*1996-2002: Coordinator of four contracts under the EU-Research infrastructure Program:”Large Scale Facility for marine pelagic food chain research”. More than 200 international researchers were given access to carry out research projects in experimental facilities at the Univ. of  Bergen and Institute of Marine Research, Bergen\\
__Scientific advice for research and policy__
*Member of EASAC scoping and working groups on “Marine Sustainability” (2014 - 2016)\\Report: "Marine Sustainability in an age of changing oceans and seas" (EASAC 2016)\\
*Member of EASAC Food and Nutrition Security and Agriculture (2016 - 2017)\\Report: "Opportunities for Research on Food and Nutrition Security and Agriculture in Europe (EASAC 2017)\\
*Working group leader of EU-Scientific Advice Mechanism (SAM) and SAPEA project on “Food from the oceans” (2017) \\Evidence review report: Food from the Oceans (SAPEA 2017)\\
*Scientific opinion: Food from the Oceans (EU SAM 2017)\\ \\