[{Image src='Thielemann_Friedrich_Karl_small.jpg' caption='' height='300' alt='Friedrich-Karl Thielemann' class='image_left'}]
!! Karl Schwarzschild Medal 2020 awarded to Prof. Friedrich-Karl Thielemann

__The most prestigious prize in Germany in the field of astronomy and astrophysics, the [Karl Schwarzschild Medal|http://www.astronomische-gesellschaft.de/en/activities/press-releases/karl-schwarzschild-medal-2020], is awarded to [Friedrich-Karl Thielemann|Member/Thielemann_Friedrich-Karl], member of the Physics and Engineering Science section in honour of his research on the boundary of nuclear physics and astrophysics. __

The Karl Schwarzschild Medal, named after the astrophysicist Karl Schwarzschild, is an award presented by the [Astronomische Gesellschaft|http://www.astronomische-gesellschaft.de/de] (German Astronomical Society) to eminent astronomers and astrophysicists.

!!Academia Europaea congratulates Prof. Thielemann to this distinction!