!!The Truman Institute Atlas of the Jewish – Arab Conflict 

A new Atlas dealing with the Israeli-Arab disputes has just been published, on-line, by __Dr. Shaul Arieli__ (Lecturer at the [Hebrew University of Jerusalem|https://en.huji.ac.il/en]), with the help and counselling of our colleague and distinguished __History and Archaeology Section__ member [Prof. Gideon Biger|Member/Biger_Gideon]. As we all know, this dispute is a long historical-political and geographical one, disturbing not only those 27,000 sq. kilometers directly concerned, but often influencing much larger areas so that many countries are actually involved in trying to deal with it.
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Any solution to this conflict must begin with an understanding of the territory over which it is waged. The small piece of land that is the core of this bloody conflict can be presented and depicted in many different ways. The Truman Institute has chosen to do so through an atlas, aware that maps are often the most graphic way in which territory and land may be portrayed. This atlas – published  in English, Hebrew, and Arabic – is not a full-fledged historical work, but the history and sociology of the conflict, as well as its practical ramifications, are evident from the maps presented, which span a century of human history–a century of conflict.
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