[{Image src='Dasgupta_Partha_small.jpg' caption='' height='300' alt='Sir Partha S. Dasgupta' class='image_left'}]
!!Sir Partha S. Dasgupta awarded the 2016 John and Alice Tyler Prize of the University of Southern California

[Sir Partha S. Dasgupta|User/Dasgupta_Partha], Emeritus Professor and Frank Ramsey Professor Emeritus of Economics, University of Cambridge and a member of the Economics, Business and Management sciences section of Academia Europaea, was awarded the 2016 John and Alice Tyler Prize of the University of Southern California for environmental science, health and energy conferring great benefit on humanity.
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!Academia Europaea congratulates Sir Partha S. Dasgupta to this  to this outstanding distinction!
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!Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement

The [Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement|http://tylerprize.usc.edu] is the premier award for environmental science, environmental health and energy conferring great benefit upon mankind.
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Through their work, Tyler Laureates have focused worldwide attention on environmental problems by their discoveries and the solutions that resulted.
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Tyler Laureates receive a $200,000 annual prize and are presented a commemorative medallion at ceremonies in Los Angeles. The awardees are selected and awarded annually by the Executive Committee. The Tyler Prize was established by the late John and Alice Tyler in 1973 and is administered by the University of Southern California.