[{Image src='CEU-Vienna-Campus_small.jpg' caption='Central European University, Vienna, Austria' height='350' alt='Central European University' class='image_left'}]
!!Human Resources Challenges
__Virtual workshop__\\
__May 17, 2021, 11 am to 3 pm, CET – Vienna time__\\
[Event website|https://glabor.org/human-resources-challenges-virtual-workshop-of-the-academia-europaea-ae-section-economics-business-and-management-sciences-takes-place-on-may-17-2021-hosted-by-the-central-eu]
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Hosted by the [Central European University|https://www.ceu.edu] (CEU) and its [CEU School of Public Policy|https://www.ceu.edu/unit/spp] (Vienna/Austria), the AE Section “[Economics, Business and Management Sciences|Acad_Main/Sections/Economics_Business_and_Management_Sciences]” of the __Academia Europaea__ (AE), the Academy of Europe, organizes a virtual workshop on “__Human Resources Challenges__” on May 17, 2021, 11 am to 3 pm, CET – Vienna time. The event is supported by the [Global Labor Organization|https://glabor.org] (GLO).
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A special invitation with a participation link is sent out in time. __Open to AE, CEU & GLO members.__ If others wish to attend, please contact [office@glabor.org|mailto:office@glabor.org].

!Read the [detailed report of the event|https://glabor.org/report-human-resources-challenges-virtual-workshop-of-the-academia-europaea-ae-section-economics-business-and-management-sciences-took-place-on-may-17-2021-hosted-by-the-cen].

Moderator of the event: __Ingy Kassem__ (Central European University, Executive Assistant to the Head of the School of Public Policy)
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__11.00 – 11.10 am__ Welcome\\
__Ingy Kassem__ (CEU), [Martin Kahanec|Member/Kahanec_Martin] (MAE & CEU), [Klaus F. Zimmermann|Member/Zimmermann_Klaus] (MAE, UNU-MERIT & GLO)
!11.10 – 12.30 am SESSION I: Review of Knowledge

Both presentations will survey relevant literature.
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__11.10 – 11.50 am__\\
[Marco Vivarelli|Member/Vivarelli_Marco] (MAE & Università Cattolica Milano)\\
''__Technology, Employment and Skills__''
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__11.50 – 12.30 am__\\
[Pieter Bevelander|Member/Bevelander_Pieter] (MAE & Malmö University) with Haodong Qi\\
''__Migration and Aging__''
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__12.30 – 13.00 pm Lunch Break__\\
(Breakout room for exchange and snacks; you need to bring your own food and drinks; or just take a power nap)
!13.00 – 15.00 pm SESSION II: Covid-19 Research

Both presentations are based on fresh and elaborated research papers.
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__13.00 – 14.00 pm__\\
[Martin Kahanec|Member/Kahanec_Martin] (MAE & CEU) with Lukas Laffers and Bernhard Schmidpeter\\
''__The Impact of Mass Antigen Testing for COVID-19 on the Prevalence of the Disease__''
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__14.00 – 15.00 pm__\\
__Alexander Kritikos__ (DIW Berlin & Potsdam University) with Daniel Graeber & Johannes Seebauer\\
''__COVID-19: A Crisis of the Female Self-employed__''
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__15.00 The End__

!All speakers

[{Image src='Kassem-Ingy_small.jpg' caption='Ingy Kassem' height='190' alt='Ingy Kassem'}]
[{Image src='Bevelander-Pieter_small.jpg' caption='Pieter Bevelander' height='190' alt='Pieter Bevelander'}]
[{Image src='Vivarelli-Marco-190.jpg' caption='Marco Vivarelli' height='190' alt='Marco Vivarelli'}]
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[{Image src='Kahanec-Martin.jpg' caption='Martin Kahanec' height='190' alt='Martin Kahanec'}]
[{Image src='Kritikos-Alexander-190x190-1.jpg' caption='Alexander Kritikos' height='190' alt='Alexander Kritikos'}]
[{Image src='Zimmermann-Klaus-F_small.jpg' caption='Klaus F. Zimmermann' height='190' alt='Klaus F. Zimmermann'}]
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