!!Opening of Conference 

Opening of Bergen Conference\\
Sept. 11, 2012\\
Report by Hermann Maurer, PPT by David Coates\\

My report can be quite short, since most of it is nicely presented in a Powerpoint Presentation David Coates has prepared. So I will just give a very short survey and a few pictures I have taken. Then I recommend you look at the presentation.

The opening of the conference started with a surprise: a choir of the University of Bergen welcomed us with “Gaudeamus Igitur” and two Norwegian songs. \\

Then the conference was officially opened by the President of the Academia Europaea Professor Lars Walløe MAE, and the Rector of the University of Bergen Professor Sigmund Grønmo MAE.  \\

Lars Walløe then handed over the Erasmus medals to the two winners this year, Geoffrey Burnstock MAE (London) and Tomas Hökfelt MAE (Stockholm). \\

This was followed by the presentation of Burgen scholarships and some of the new members of Academaia Europaea (i.e. those who were elected a year ago and were known to attend the conference). \\

The session was supposed to culminate with lectures given by the two Erasmus winners: both Burnstock and Hökfelt are indeed very prominent and successful researchers with an almost unbelievable record. However, both failed as speakers in this environment to some extent: rather than giving an overview of the important area of neuron transmitters they are working on that would enlighten the whole audience they gave very technical talks (Hökfelt salted with some anecdotes) from which only the few specialists in the audience were able to profit. However, see the interesting short [video|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mkZMit2fjI] of Burnstock!\\

This not so successful start of the conference was made up by a spectacular reception by the Vice Major of Bergen (see Bergen and Social Activities). 

! Much more on the Opening in the [PPT here|PPT-of-opening section.ppt]!


[{Image src='P1030700.JPG' caption=' A choir of the University of Bergen welcoming us' height='300' alt=' Choir of the University of Bergenus' class='image_block'}]
[{Image src='P1030699.JPG' caption='Gaudemaus Igitur sung by a choir of the University of Bergen' height='300' alt='Gaudemaus Igitur' class='image_block'}]
[{Image src='P1030702.JPG' caption='Part of the choir' height='300' alt='Part of the choir' class='image_block'}]
[{Image src='P1030803.JPG' caption='Welcome by the president of Academia Europaea Lars Walløe' height='300' alt='Welcome by the president of Academia Europaea Lars Walløe' class='image_block'}]
[{Image src='P1030705.JPG' caption='Welcome by Rector Sigmund Grønmo of the University of Bergen' height='300' alt='Welcome by Rector Sigmund Grønmo of the University of Bergen' class='image_block'}]
[{Image src='P1030714.JPG' caption='Lars Walløe handing over Diploma to one of the Burgen scholars' height='300' alt='Lars Walløe handing over Diploma to one of the Burgen scholars' class='image_block'}]
[{Image src='P1030746.JPG' caption='Burnstock lecturing' height='300' alt='Burnstock lecturing' class='image_block'}]
[{Image src='P1030747.JPG' caption='Höckfelt lecturing' height='300' alt='Höckfelt lecturing' class='image_block'}]

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