!!Call for Nominations
!!The Sustainability Award 2024
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!Supported by Nobel Sustainability Trust Foundation
__[The Nobel Sustainability Trust Foundation|https://www.nobelsustainability.org] (NST) encourages sustainability-related research and development initiatives and the implementation of sustainable solutions while addressing the following topics:__
*Climate change with an emphasis on global warming reduction
*Advances in clean and renewable technologies and policies
*A pollution-free, life-sustaining environment
*Inspiration for present and future generations with regard to sustainability thinking and changes in societies
A key component to promote the activities described above is the [Sustainability Award|https://www.nobelsustainability.org/the-sustainability-award-2024]. These awards are given annually to individuals, organizations, and companies that make outstanding contributions to sustainability. The winners will be presented and will receive the award during a symposium organized by the NST.
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The themes for the three Sustainability Awards 2024 are:
*__Leadership in Implementation
*__Outstanding Research & Development in the field of Agriculture__
*__Outstanding Research & Development in the field of Water__
Winners will receive a cash award, a certificate, and a medal.
Minimum cash award for Leadership in Implementation: __300,000 SEK__*\\
Minimum cash award for Outstanding Research & Development in Agriculture: __500,000 SEK__*\\
Minimum cash award for Outstanding Research & Development in Water: __500,000 SEK__*\\
 * ''Swedish krona''
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The [Technical University of Munich|https://www.tum.de/en] (TUM) as the Award Coordinating University (ACU) forms, in consultation with the NST, the Award Committee that will evaluate the nominations and select the final winners in the above-mentioned categories. The Institute for Advanced Study of TUM (TUM-IAS) leads the process and coordinates the work of the Award Committee composed of international scientists and entrepreneurs.
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''__Candidates for the Awards are nominated by third persons.__ Self-nominations, nominations for the recognition of lifetime achievements, and project proposals for funding will not be accepted.''
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''__Nominations are evaluated according to criteria and quality parameters mentioned in the Guidelines for nominators and reviewers.__''
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''__Nominations must respect a template provided by NST.__ ''
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Deadline for submitting nominations to the NST: __Sunday, March 31st, 2024 (12 p.m./noon CET)__.
More information regarding the Sustainability Awards supported by the NST including the nomination guidelines, the template, and submission modalities under: [https://www.nobelsustainability.org/the-sustainability-award-2024]

__Ms Morwenna Joubin__ at TUM-IAS: [morwenna.joubin@tum.de|mailto:morwenna.joubin@tum.de] / [https://www.ias.tum.de]\\
__Ms Tracy J. Wang__, CEO of the NST: [tw@nobelsustainability.org|mailto:tw@nobelsustainability.org] / [https://www.nobelsustainability.org]