[{Image src='symbiotic_life_small.jpg' caption='' height='400' alt='Symbiotic Life' class='image_left'}]

“__''Symbiotic Life''__” is a new on-line initiative of the __[Academia Europaea Barcelona Knowledge Hub|http://barcelona.acadeuro.org] (AE-BKH)__, fruit of its partnership with ''Science into Images'', a scientific dissemination project led by biologist and science filmmaker __Rubén Duro__, who is also the Hub’s webmaster and social media manager.
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This initiative consists of several short documentaries on different examples of symbiotic relationships existing in nature, presented in a visually striking format. These videos present rarely seen images of microscopic organisms and are of great academic and research value.
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However, the general public will also enjoy these educational and entertaining videos, as brief accompanying explanations subtitled in English provide non-experts with the tools necessary for fully appreciating the beauty and scientific interest of the images projected. Thus, the main objective of “''__Symbiotic Life__''” is two-fold: to disseminate scientific research in a novel format, in line with the __AE-BKH__’s overall mission; and to give support to a distinctive feature of the __AE-BKH__, which places special emphasis on symbiosis both as a driving concept of evolutionary biology and as a figurative term to describe the connections between seemingly different academic fields, such as the natural and exact sciences, the social sciences and the humanities.
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The videos are available for viewing on the __[AE-BKH “Barcelona-in-Action”|http://barcelona.acadeuro.org/bkhaction/vimeochannel/symbiotic-life]__ channel on Vimeo.
!!Do not miss out on these fascinating insights!