!!COVID-19 Bulletin\\An RSB communication on the bioscience behind the outbreak and response
__20 April 2020__
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[{Image src='Royal_Society_of_Biology.png' caption='' height='55' alt='' link='https://www.rsb.org.uk' class='image_left'}]
__Academia Europaea would like to inform its members that the [April COVID-19 Bulletin|https://www.rsb.org.uk/about-us/covid-19/covid-19-bulletin] of the [Royal Society of Biology|https://www.rsb.org.uk] was published.__
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The third edition of the RSB COVID-19 bulletin highlights a selection of the bioscience research
and news of the last fortnight. The bulletin gives a glimpse of the huge worldwide effort to understand SARS-CoV-2 and its effects.
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Download the [bulletin|RSB_COVID-19_Bulletin_20200420.pdf].